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mike poitras
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Hello from Halifax. This 48 year old had a wonderful time at the Metric show on April 14. I saw them for the first time last summer when VirginFest came through here(also for the first time) on July 4.Dinosaur Junior,another band I'd wanted to see at the Fest, put on a good show but I can scarcely remember it now or the finale by The Offspring.Metric,on the other hand,was a real joy,a reminder of what makes rock shows so much fun.Before the Fest,admittedly,I only knew a few Metric songs,'Dead Disco' and 'Monster Hospital' in particular.The first I knew from seeing its video,new I think,on Much Music several years ago.The second I recall seeing by chance on Much after coming home very early in the morning during the summer of 2005--after a night of imbibing.However,I was mightily impressed with the seductive punk vibe.Not long after this viewing I saw them play the song on Conan O'Brien.The band,in degrees,reminds me of some of the punk and new wave music I listened to and still listen to in the late 1970s and early 1980s.Still,plenty of originality there.Well done folks.So long from the guy with the blue Kansas City Royals ball cap.I felt right at home at The Cunard Center as a tugboat went by.Great show--made me forget some of the shit I've had to deal with lately.
mike poitras is now following Metric
Apr 22, 2010
mike poitras is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 22, 2010