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Mike Kincaid
Recent Activity
What No Trick or Treating!!!! Damn Obama!!!!
I was really looking forward to the popular 2013 costumes
The top ten list from Huffington Post
Minion costume
Breaking Bad costume
Fox costume
Duck Dynasty costume
Miley Cyrus costume
Minecraft costume
Daenerys costume
Batman costume
Gatsby dress costume
Daft Punk costume
and when did Halloween stop being a kids holiday.
Negotiating With Children
Imagine that you’re a parent, and imagine that you’re at your wits’ end (but I repeat myself). Your kids have failed to do their assigned chores even though you’ve frequently reminded them (they call it “nagging”), and now they’re saying they won’t do them until you agree to raise their allowan...
Spoken like a true Montanan but a scandal involving a thong-snapping intern? Well, likely not, at least in the limo known as the beast. Safety conscious Obama is aware of the dangers of thongs getting tangled with the brake pedal.
Lamest Scandal Ever
As “Skeetgate” continues to unravel, the critical question is: what did the President shoot, and when did he shoot it? President Obama recently sat for an interview with reporters from The New Republic. Asked if he had ever fired a gun, the President lied replied, “Sure. In fact, up at Camp D...
I am glad to see that since 11/16/12 you have 5 political blogs. Well so much for holding back. Eggnog for everyone. Mike
Give Thanks For Conservative Humor (?)
. I was looking for an appropriate image to put on my blog for Thanksgiving--and I happened across this absolutely hilarious 2009 cartoon from the absolutely hilarious website See, Obamacare is gonna kill off granny, and the kids couldn't be happier! I tell you, it...
You can imagine my surprise seeing my name in print on some sort of pinko, commie blog. I was certain that the authors of such things maintained their anonymity by creating ridiculous persona's, like Donald Trump, Sarah Palin or Chris Matthews. That was my opening line for my response to the May 21st posting. The posting was delayed since it appears that you cannot cut and paste from a word document to this pinko, commie blog, apparently designed by the same folks that came up with the Moskvitsch or the Trabant. Anyway the blog of May 21st rambled about certainty in the business community versus certainty for the labor community. This looks like a easy place to post this nonsense, instead of scrolling back to May 21st.
Yes, I would like some certainty in my life. Certainty regarding interest rates would be nice, but I am unsure about certainty of stock prices. I guess certainty that I will not lose money is desired, but lets keep it uncertain about how much money I will make, just for fun. It is curious that the "job creators" are not creating jobs due to the "uncertain" market, tax climate, odious regulation (like Nixon's EPA), but what is certain is that unemployed people cannot buy their products.
Certainty versus "individual choice" or bad dumb luck, may be a better route towards civilization. A good starting point may be the base of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: food, water, shelter, blah, blah, blah. Food insecurity is 15% both in the U.S. and the world ( 1 billion world wide) and a billion people worldwide lack access to clean water. I bet a few of those folks would like a little certainty in their lives.
Why Don't We Listen To The Job Creators?
Why aren't employers hiring? That's a pretty relevant question right now, given recent disappointing job numbers--only 69,000 new jobs added to the U.S. economy in May. It's also relevant because "Where are the jobs?" was the chant directed at Obama surrogate David Axelrod by a group of Romneyit...
Jack: Newt was recently bitten by a penguin while visting a zoo on his book tour/campaign. I have been told that there are no penguins on Mars or the Moon. Mars does have a ice cap and the dark side of the moon is cold, but Bernadette Devlin told me there are no penguins. This was during the baked Alaska dessert course and naturally the conversation turned to politics. Mike
Today's Random Quotes
Okay, these quotes aren't really random; they are culled from Media Matters website, which does us the service of keeping an eye (and an ear) on what the right-wing folks are up to. So here's a sample: Reverend Pat Robertson, on the related topics of global warming and the human influence on cli...
Mars is getting crowded. Newt should change his plans from a Moon colony to a Mars colony. At least Newt would not have pesty penguins biting him on any of his colonies. Mike
Today's Random Quotes
Okay, these quotes aren't really random; they are culled from Media Matters website, which does us the service of keeping an eye (and an ear) on what the right-wing folks are up to. So here's a sample: Reverend Pat Robertson, on the related topics of global warming and the human influence on cli...
Jack: This article was on page B1, under the fold, of the local section of the Missoulian and was the second or third story on Ed Schultz and Democracy Now. I guess some folks think this is an important national story and others think it is a bit of local color. Huh. Mike
Judge Cebull Needs To Go
This morning I posted on my Facebook page a link to an article in the Missoulian (our daily newspaper here in Missoula) about an offensive e-mail circulated by Montana's Chief U.S. District Judge Richard Cebull. Judge Cebull has apologized for having forwarded the "joke" e-mail (which I have no ...
Lighten up. The man has served his time in prison and in a Baltimore pizzeria. Certainly that experience would make one a disciple of Jeffersonian Democracy. Keep in mind, he was talking about some other bad actors, not the reformed pillar of the community and success story of prison rehabilitation he now claims to be.
Today In Cognitive Dissonance
On MSNBC's morning show "UP," hosted by Chris Hayes, a panel discussed the current plague of political Superpacs and the possibility of getting big money out of politics, either by overturning Citizens United via constitutional amendment or by legislating public funding for political campaigns. ...
Are you suggesting a compromise between competing economic theories? Very realistic solution in the current political climate. More dribble to come and yes I did mean dribble. Mike
Book Review: "KEYNES / HAYEK," by Nicholas Wapshott
Just because economics is widely derided as "the dismal science," and just because many of us can't make heads or tails of economic theories, be they macro- or micro-, doesn't mean we should therefore dismiss or ignore economists: like it or not, they matter. "I don't care who writes a nation's ...
Who says no one read this dribble? The spirit of Nixon lives in Romney, Inc. ? What are the shares trading at? Mike
Stooping To Be President
I swear I'll stop doing this, but since I have to get the Hunter Thompson book back to the library before Mr. Bookman shows up at my door in some sort of Ibogaine frenzy, here's one last highly relevant excerpt from FEAR AND LOATHING; right before the 1972 election was to end in a Nixon landslid...
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