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Mike Kozak
Recent Activity
Many thanks for your reply - Mike
2cs and OTHER SENTIMENT MEASURES 2CS has been as...
2cs and OTHER SENTIMENT MEASURES 2CS has been as low as 75 recently, and it got much lower at highs in February 2011. But some other market-based measures now are where they were then in 2011 and never again thereafter. So I have cut out or trimmed most of what I think would take big hits in a ...
As a newbie reader of your blog, can you kindly eloborate on what is "2CS"? Thanks.
2cs and OTHER SENTIMENT MEASURES 2CS has been as...
2cs and OTHER SENTIMENT MEASURES 2CS has been as low as 75 recently, and it got much lower at highs in February 2011. But some other market-based measures now are where they were then in 2011 and never again thereafter. So I have cut out or trimmed most of what I think would take big hits in a ...
Mike Kozak is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 25, 2012
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