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Mikerose added a favorite at Rabbi Heidi Hoover's blog
Jan 14, 2013
We are coming now to the end of Passover, our joyful spring holiday. At our seders, we asked questions, we learned, we discussed how we were slaves in the land of Egypt, and how we were freed from that degradation and pain by the strong hand and outstretched arm of... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 13, 2012 at Mikerose's blog
Mikerose is now following Rabbi Heidi Hoover
Apr 13, 2012
"Romney acknowledges he changed on abortion, just like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush." As has been pointed out by many other outlets, Romney isn't doing himself any favors with this comparison, since George W. Bush's anti-choice stance has actually been entirely consistent since his earliest days in politics (and, according to his statements, since childhood). It's possible Romney is thinking of George H. W. Bush, who did indeed shift his positions with regard to abortion rights over his career... but then again, Romney has made this same mistake before, in 2008.
1 reply
Best of luck Scott! I know you're going to be great at this. --Mike R.
Toggle Commented Jan 14, 2009 on Farewell, Wharton. Hello, Comcast. at Blankbaby
1 reply
Michael Doss -- if Wine doesn't work in a particular scenario, chances are CrossOver won't work either. It's a GUI wrapper for Wine with some installation helpers and optimization tweaks, but the core functionality is Wine-esque.
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Michael Doss -- if Wine doesn't work in a particular scenario, chances are CrossOver won't work either. It's a GUI wrapper for Wine with some installation helpers and optimization tweaks, but the core functionality is Wine-esque.
1 reply
Note that the CodeWeavers site is getting slammed today, try if you are having trouble. Full story at Running Outlook 2003 in CrossOver right now. Feeling kinda dirty.
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Note that the CodeWeavers site is getting slammed today, try if you are having trouble. Full story at Running Outlook 2003 in CrossOver right now. Feeling kinda dirty.
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Wow, that took me back. It really does make the hair on the back of my neck stand up... now I want popcorn and a quilt.
Toggle Commented Oct 21, 2008 on so fucking special at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Wow, that took me back. It really does make the hair on the back of my neck stand up... now I want popcorn and a quilt.
Toggle Commented Oct 21, 2008 on so fucking special at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Oops, didn't realize you weren't the groom. Well, congratulations anyway.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2007 on the first iPhone assisted wedding? at
1 reply
Congrats Bob! Unfortunately, you aren't the first to read vows from an iPhone. I attended a wedding in October where the groom (editor of read his vows from his iPhone, much to the glee of the guests and the momentary panic of his bride, who had not been forewarned.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2007 on the first iPhone assisted wedding? at
1 reply