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I am an elementary teacher who loves to do all sorts of crafty projects.
Interests: quilting, knitting, dogs, gardening
Recent Activity
Glad you had a great birthday celebration! Sounds like a lovely relaxing time!
That kitty must have good sense! (He can tell your a cat person)
Another (Long!) Overdue Update
Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook know that I just got back from Cancun yesterday, but I need to catch the rest of you up. I went back to the Hyatt Regency Cancun (by myself! this was different and empowering) for my 40th birthday and had a great couple of days lounging in the sun ...
Wow those views are stunning!
New Place
I just moved to the city last month and love it. It's part of an overall change in my life which is all about letting go things that no longer work and embracing what I want in my life. I feel so energized! Sometimes I say I should have done this years ago, but I believe things happen at the righ...
OMG she is just the cutest thing ever!! Makes me want to go out and get a kitten right now!!! (but I am already at my 4 pet limit...2 cats and 2 dogs)
We interrupt your regularly scheduled knitting blog for breaking news of the cutest kind. Pearl. Or Purl, as she's known to the knitters of the house. We already have three cats we love, so adding a fourth is..a little crazy? But the Humane Society had so many cats and kittens, they emailed ...
I am really intrigued by the square needles, I've seen them but never tried them1
Stitches Midwest and an Unexpected Prize
Stitches Midwest was a blast! Loads of vendors, great classes, a swanky hotel with orchids in the lobby and an escalator....the best part was meeting our Tech Editor, Ada, for the first time. We've been working together for nearly two years on opposite sides of the country and never got to have...
Michelle is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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