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I am an elementary teacher who loves to do all sorts of crafty projects.
Interests: quilting, knitting, dogs, gardening
Recent Activity
Glad you had a great birthday celebration! Sounds like a lovely relaxing time! That kitty must have good sense! (He can tell your a cat person)
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2012 on Another (Long!) Overdue Update at Yarn Crawl
Wow those views are stunning!
Toggle Commented Jan 27, 2012 on New Place at Yarn Crawl
OMG she is just the cutest thing ever!! Makes me want to go out and get a kitten right now!!! (but I am already at my 4 pet limit...2 cats and 2 dogs)
Toggle Commented Nov 15, 2010 on Pearl at Knitcircus
1 reply
I am really intrigued by the square needles, I've seen them but never tried them1
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Michelle is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010