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Miles Grant
Arlington, VA
I work on the communications team here at the National Wildlife Federation.
Recent Activity
Sam, the point of the article was that anti-wildlife corporations like ExxonMobil can now spend whatever they want to harm wildlife. I mean, there are dozens of groups -- say, health insurance companies -- that can now spend whatever they want to lobby, but Larry didn't mention them because they don't work to undermine wildlife protections. Unless you have evidence the AFL-CIO is anti-wildlife, why mention them? Wouldn't THAT be political?
Earth Day Flashback: 30 Years of Working to Preserve PA's Wildlife
This column by Larry Schweiger, then president & CEO of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, originally ran in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on April 23, 2000, marking the 30th annual Earth Day. With the 40th Earth Day set for April 22, 2010, Larry pulled this out of his archives. - Miles Grant, ...
Donald, before blindly bashing us with talking points, you should read this report NWF just put out on biofuels -- we're pushing hard to make our biofuels policies more sustainable:
Or keep shouting about the liberals, either way. Doesn't sound like you're very open to discussion.
Climate Change Hits Home
By Larry J. Schweiger Climate change is hitting home, here and now, in some ways that maybe you might not have expected. Check out this video.
Concerned, why aren't you outraged the CEO of ExxonMobil retired in 2007 with a $400 million golden parachute? Seems like if you were really concerned about profiteering, you'd be focused on that.
Do you think this is worth covering?
By Larry J. Schweiger Scientists from the University of Alaska have discovered that much larger amounts of methane gas are leaking from beneath the Arctic seabed that had been estimated or even likely considered. Because the frozen seabed is thawing and is no longer able to act as a ‘cap’ to con...
Concerned, why aren't you outraged the CEO of ExxonMobil retired in 2007 with a $400 million golden parachute? Seems like if you were really concerned about profiteering, you'd be focused on that.
Do you think this is worth covering?
By Larry J. Schweiger Scientists from the University of Alaska have discovered that much larger amounts of methane gas are leaking from beneath the Arctic seabed that had been estimated or even likely considered. Because the frozen seabed is thawing and is no longer able to act as a ‘cap’ to con...
It always cracks me up that global warming deniers won't trust the organization that put an American on the moon, but DO trust a shadowy organization like SPPI that won't reveal its funding & was formed just recently for the sole purpose of keeping America hooked on dirty, imported oil:
2009 Ties for Second Warmest Year on Record
By Larry J. Schweiger 2009 has tied for the second warmest year in the modern record and ended the warmest decade on record, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This means more troubling news for wildlife.
It always cracks me up that global warming deniers won't trust the organization that put an American on the moon, but DO trust a shadowy organization like SPPI that won't reveal its funding & was formed just recently for the sole purpose of keeping America hooked on dirty, imported oil:
2009 Ties for Second Warmest Year on Record
By Larry J. Schweiger 2009 has tied for the second warmest year in the modern record and ended the warmest decade on record, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This means more troubling news for wildlife.
John, this is what global warming looks like:
If you don't like that because of your political beliefs, that's fine. But it's no reason for the rest of us not to act.
Unfinished Business
Here is my posting on National Journal’s blog in response to Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid’s announcement Tuesday that Democrats will wait until to spring to debate climate legislation on the Senate floor. By Larry Schweiger Hope springs eternal, but the idea of waiting to "spring" for Sena...
John, this is what global warming looks like:
If you don't like that because of your political beliefs, that's fine. But it's no reason for the rest of us not to act.
Unfinished Business
Here is my posting on National Journal’s blog in response to Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid’s announcement Tuesday that Democrats will wait until to spring to debate climate legislation on the Senate floor. By Larry Schweiger Hope springs eternal, but the idea of waiting to "spring" for Sena...
The week after Alford testified, Trenton Mayor Douglas Palmer testified before the same committee. Unprompted, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) suggested Mayor Palmer read the NBCC report. Palmer happens to be black. Was that an outrage, too?
Why I Must Defend Barbara Boxer
By Selwyn Duke We’ve all heard about the little dust-up between Black Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Harry Alford and Democrat senator Barbara Boxer during an Environment & Public Works (EPW) hearing on “green” jobs. Boxer, the chairman of the EPW committee, was trying to refute a repor...
Typical liberal media! Always pre-judging reports on global warming just because they're bought & paid for by polluters ;)
Climate change is good for you, says new report from global warming skeptics
The Heartland Institute has put out a new report on one of its favorite topics, climate change. As we've noted before here on the Fueling Station blog, the Heartland Institute has long been on the side of the skeptics, questioning whether global warming was real. But this hefty (850+ pages) ne...
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