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Miles Maker
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GOOD stuff! Thanks for thinking of your fellow filmies by layin' this down for us--much appreciated.
Your comments on DVD merchandising and sales is particularly useful and it makes sense--when you have a unique product and there are limited ways to access and consume it DVD sales will remain strong for indie auteurs for years to come, especially when collectible editions boast extras and even tranny content you mentioned as bonus material--reasons to buy if you appreciate the work and support the filmmaker.
There's no better time for guerrilla filmmakers who can produce quality pictures on a modest budget. Your options are plenty with a hybrid distribution model and it's all upside with win-win situations galore. If your break-even is in the $50K range you're bound to see your money back in time + the exposure generates early anticipation of your next feature provided you can harness your audience.
Best wishes with your sci-fi feature, "In-World War."
Miles Maker
A story author, content creator and entrepreneur whose creative ventures encompass three current web/tech sector megatrends: mobile, social, and real-time.
New indie distribution secrets for activating the audience
I just returned from another exhausting, exciting trip to Sundance and wanted to share with you the DIY indie film distribution and marketing tricks I learned. Things are seriously popping on this topic, so a warning: this is a long post. Get a cup of soy hot chocolate and a danish and get comfy...
Miles Maker is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 31, 2010
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