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Joann Miller Mathias
Recent Activity
Great post. Yes, hosting a party is the incentive to decorate and clean. Have a great Pink Saturday.
Whew. . . .what a week. . . .
On Monday, Patty hosted a wonderful Halloween Brunch at her home for the Breakfast Bunch! Her table was set in just a festive manner. . . putting all of us in the "spirit" of the season! For some reason I decided, in a weak moment, that my hubby and I should host a Halloween Party th...
Oooh my..... fabulous photos. Have a great Pink Saturday.
~Pink Saturday Autumn~
COLORS FLUFFING FIVE MILKWEED POD VARIATIONS ~IN THE PINK FOR SATURDAY~ & FALL FUN HALLOWEEN 2010 Halloween 2011 finds us looking forward to seeing the wicked witch from The Wizard of Oz, one of her flying monkeys and a stegosaurus. HAPPY PINK SATURDAY AUTUMN! THANK Y...
Love..... love Pink Saturday!!
PINK SATURDAY - My Best Friend
Would you believe I am sitting in Beverly's craft room typing my post? If you just said yes, you would be right. I am visiting her and we are doing our posts together. This is a rare and special moment for us because we live over five hours away from each other. Love is... ...
I look forward to Pink Saturday. And love this girly pink drink.
Almost every morning, thanks to my husband, my special glass. . . gets filled with a delicous protein shake!! THE STONE RABBIT enjoys them, too.....espeically the PINK ones that are made from yummy strawberries, but. . . the crow.....well he's picky and that's a story for anothe...
Joann Miller Mathias is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 23, 2011
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