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Greg Millsaps
Recent Activity
Hi Carey,
We're living near the city of Monterrey which lately has seen a surge of violence in the Drug Wars. I teach at a Bible College and we used to host short-term teams (before the war). I recommend a book for you about Islam, secularism, and the state of the Great Commission today - "GloboChrist: The Great Commission Takes a Postmodern Turn" by Carl Racshke
Also, you can keep up with us on my blog:
The French want some skin in the game.
It’s amazing how many people have been born into this world because a man was attracted to a woman. That sexual desire that burns within the loins of the male beast has been reined in by a wide assortment of laws, rules, moral codes and societal conventions over the history of civilizations. In t...
Greg Millsaps is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 12, 2010
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