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Jennifer Mills
Recent Activity
I take a deep breath when reading this, Jane, and my heart lifts. Thank you for sharing. I will pass this along. Blessings ~ Jennifer
1 reply
This is great, Shannon! Your children are radiant and what a blessing they are to have this knowledge under their belts at this age. Great job, mamma. Keep up the great work. With love ~ Jennifer
1 reply
Love and joy fill me when reading this, Prune. In love and Light ~ Jennifer
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2011 on Room-Weaving at Making Eden Energy Medicine Our Own
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Theda, this is lovely! Figure 8's truly are a miracle to behold and I love that you share the story of your scar. It is such a simple practice with grand implications. Your photo is absolutely radiant! I'm thrilled to hear of others in the community who are incorporating fire dance...powerful elements at work! Blessings ~
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Jennifer Mills is now following The Typepad Team
May 24, 2011