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Shaun Milne FRSA
Scotland, UK
Journalist and Media Consultant. The views of this blog are mine and not necessarily shared by my employers.
Interests: current affairs, journalism, news, politics, web, social media, online
Recent Activity
Interesting post showing off the ever widening range of quality bloggers here in Scotland. Refreshing to see such positive attitudes towered the genre as opposed to those in mainstream media who seem to revel all too often on knocking the individual writer who can, and does, have much to contribute to the wider debates in Scotland and further afield. Commentators such as Peter should be lauded for their passion and hugely enjoyable journalism. Having such gatherings seems a worthy way to explore future possibilities.
Old and new media - the battle for Scotland
Some of the most exciting things happening in Scotland are happening online. That's what I took from the Political Innovation Camp today at The School of Infomatics in Edinburgh. I already knew one of the main speakers, Pat Kane rather well. It was great to put faces to some bloggers I hadn't ...
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