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Poet, writer, chronic nail biter.
Interests: Poetry, writing, reading, philosophy, history, fishing, hiking, travel, chess, Tai-Chi, computers, metaphysics, mysticism, astronomy, space, psychology, psychiatry, astrophysics, my beautiful Filipina fiance
Recent Activity
Descent Decision
The fissure ran straight down, even seeming to go round and round spiraling all the way to the ground. The only person to try such a thing would be a crazy circus clown. But this was crazier than any ring. The climber stopped in his tracks. He contemplated ending this traverse and prepared to put it in full reverse. But the sun was setting in the West and he had plenty of pitons in his racks. So, he decided to just think and rest. Suddenly, he was hit with inspiration! Why, he could just rappel down the cleft! His senses,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2015 at mindbringer's blog
THE ANCIENT WAY There is a green place I go to,...
THE ANCIENT WAY There is a green place I go to, just this side of the old red shed. I go there to forget myself and end up finding me instead... There where one plus one do not equal two, there where all is alive including the dead. The great vault of nature like a bookshelf for all to deposit what they've already read. ----------------------------------------- mindbringer, 27 August 2014 Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2014 at mindbringer's blog
mindbringer is now following Finding God On The Train - Notes On Enlightenment
Aug 13, 2014
Sorry for the very later reply! We have been introduced now but, following the train of thought in your comment, we have definitely not "caught up". Reply here if you wish to continue our conversation! Thank you.
P.S. - all of my work can be read at .
Quiet Silence
QUIET SILENCE There are several silences. As in noise levels, there are levels of quietude. Not measured in decibels nor like altitude, they are perceived through the senses. First is that which one commonly meets, the mere temporary absence of sound. Knowing noise will inevitably return, true s...
TypePad removed my formatting from my post. This should be in classic four line stanzas with rhymes at the end of each sentence. Sorry about that!
Nine Months (a tribute to Love)
A love like ours most people would find hard to imagine or to believe, one would expect it to fade away and then set like the Sun on a midsummer's eve. The Sun which is always shining somewhere on this rock we call Earth brings abundant life in all of its myriad glories; for all it is worth. My ...
Nine Months (a tribute to Love)
A love like ours most people would find hard to imagine or to believe, one would expect it to fade away and then set like the Sun on a midsummer's eve. The Sun which is always shining somewhere on this rock we call Earth brings abundant life in all of its myriad glories; for all it is worth. My vision of you often is one of nature's perfection, of nakedness. This always leads to seeming insanity, to temporary madness. I am driven crazy by the sight of your precious and sexy body, so beautiful and made even more so by... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2014 at mindbringer's blog
See all my poems at my blog Fignewtons Of My...
See all my poems at my blog Fignewtons Of My Imagination at . Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2014 at mindbringer's blog
Quiet Silence
QUIET SILENCE There are several silences. As in noise levels, there are levels of quietude. Not measured in decibels nor like altitude, they are perceived through the senses. First is that which one commonly meets, the mere temporary absence of sound. Knowing noise will inevitably return, true silence pauses and retreats until the next time 'round when it gets one more turn. Another exists only because the din of civilization has not yet reached it, not yet engulfed it. A silence of anticipation. This silence knows only the muted sounds of nature. The rippling of the stream, the haunting cries... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2010 at mindbringer's blog
The Bath
THE BATH "Daddy, what is Love?", she said, her flat chest unaware of future kisses. Water dripping, flowing down blossoming curves of innocence, each piercing green eye asked the same of him. The only hair to be found on Heaven's unopened petal, matted, cascaded to her knees like a golden waterfall, unwittingly conspiring to seduce a suddenly struggling father. Like many her age, they are not yet shrinking from their fondness for fathers. Quaking, trembling like an open leaf before the winds of inevitability, in the cold water she was still free from life's complications. The washer, giver of baths... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2010 at mindbringer's blog
To Helen From I
TO HELEN FROM I The winds blow cold now o'er a dark Aegean sea, waves languorously lap this red Ionian shore. where ruins of fabled Illium lie heaped upon the sands. My fading mind wanders back to days of you and me, down the dog-legged roads of yesterday where ancient children dance and play. Now songs are sung of our love; of our lore! Our tales are told even in far and distant lands. As I lie still (free at last!) near the sacred lake down whose black river I must soon be borne, I thought not of the thousand... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2010 at mindbringer's blog
mindbringer is now following EmmeGirls
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following carrolltrust
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Putdubsonit
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Harry
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Jeca85
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Account Deleted
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following rosas fernando
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following David White
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Account Deleted
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Shannon Venable
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Account Deleted
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Account Deleted
Jun 15, 2010
mindbringer is now following Account Deleted
Jun 15, 2010
Three Dreams
THREE DREAMS On the third day of Winter I had three dreams (as I remember). It was late in 1993 when I plainly saw before me and thee: Three knighted dogs, Three candybars with swords. Three wise men on three camels rode while thrice three times the bell did toll. And, under a pear tree, three hens of France frolicked in the spring. In seed-strown dirt they did their dance while three farmers tales were told. They watched three clouds in twisted fury roll. Then three barn boards and three house logs, these three storms did splinter. Three ships with... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2010 at mindbringer's blog
MULTIVERSE PER VERSE I Walked home one early June...
MULTIVERSE PER VERSE I Walked home one early June day, down the shortcut path, after buying more things I needed nought carrying those I should've not bought, I became aware all of a sudden that I, and my heavy sacks, may be stopped. Stopped by a passing long train before its tracks were crossed. No sooner had I thunk the thought than did a train's nearing whistle play. As if the gods picked me upon which to heap their wrath. Oblivious, I ran! Along the farmer's ditch I ran! Now wet sandals first flipped then flopped, My mind was racked... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2010 at mindbringer's blog
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