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Minh Q. Tran
Paris, France
Interests: running, tennis, golf, snowboard
Recent Activity
As one of the leaders in the French market for online financial services, Nalo welcomes Groupe APICIL as its new reference shareholder. This operation was organized by Mandalore Partners, and will accelerate Nalo’s growth and its standing on the market... Continue reading
#EpargneTech #Insurtech #Wealthtech @mandalore_minh @minh_q_tran @ramify Mandalore Partners participe au tour de 3,5 millions d’euros dans Ramify, banque en ligne Ramify, la nouvelle plateforme d’investissement qui met le conseil de premier ordre à la portée de tous, annonce une levée... Continue reading
Responding to strong investor demand for unlisted and alternative assets, Alpheys launches its new Alpheys Private Assets offering. Capitalizing on its technology expertise, Alpheys has chosen the fast-growing field of blockchain and its applications in Web3 as its first investment... Continue reading
Sisouphan TRAN, Président d’ALPHEYS déclare : « L’intégration d’une brique robo-advisor dans nos parcours digitaux était inscrite sur la roadmap stratégique d’ALPHEYS. L’objectif est d’aider nos partenaires professionnels du patrimoine dans la réalisation de leurs arbitrages, la réallocation et la... Continue reading
#MIPISE #CorporateVentureCapital #CVC #VCaaS @Mandalore_Minh @Minh_Q_Tran MIPISE est une FinTech-Regtech spécialiste de la digitalisation des activités financières. Son offre de solutions « white label end-to-end » permet de digitaliser des workflows complexes et critiques d’on-boarding, investissement et paiement dans les... Continue reading
#MIPISE #CorporateVentureCapital #CVC #VCaaS @Mandalore_Minh @Minh_Q_Tran MIPISE is a FinTech-Regtech specialised in the digitalisation of financial activities Its "white label end-to-end" solutions enable the digitalisation of complex and critical on-boarding, investment and payment workflows in Private Equity, Wealth Management, Insurance... Continue reading
Fintech "Mon Petit Placement" raises €6 million to become France's leading investment company for individuals The aim of Mon Petit Placement is to make premium financial investment accessible to individuals. This is a major challenge that is about to become... Continue reading
PRESS RELEASE Namirial S.p.A., an Ambienta portfolio company has acquired Netheos, French digital transaction leader, focused on remote identification and digital onboarding solutions Netheos will enhance Namirial product portfolio, offering customer onboarding and KYC solutions The acquisition consolidates Namirial’s position... Continue reading
Let us meet at WebSummit - Continue reading
HUBX, a deal syndication platform for banks and brokerage firms, welcomes two new investors, Mandalore Partners and ACF Investors’ Delta Fund. They join other existing investors including Barclays and Basinghall Partners. HUBX clients and partners include Tier 1 banks, Finastra... Continue reading
The above methodology is a mix of followers and online social authority. SUMMARY Do you know that this week, we have the 1st BNI International Convention 100% online? Programme and registration here from @BNI_official_pg I recently joined as a founding... Continue reading
Mandalore Partners announces its first investment in an innovation accelerator. This partnership between the Start-up & Spin-Off Studio Ker and Mandalore Partners will allow Mandalore to: Invest in the Start-up Studio Ker Create a vertical in Insurtech with APICIL group,... Continue reading
Great article = DeFi is one of the hottest topics in the finance space right now and for good reason. It is happening now.So the burning question is not if – but when – will DeFi disrupt traditional markets?... Continue reading
MeetFounders Paris (June 2021) Panelist Announcement! Please welcome to Minh Q. Tran, Managing Partner at Mandalore Partners, who will be joining us on the 1st of June on the panel “VC Advice - Spending Your First Capital.” June 1st &... Continue reading