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Classical composer, musicologist, web interface developer
Recent Activity
A belated list, but seems it may still be needed somewhat. Some of these & been suggested to D & B already, so talk to John before you decide! Game: Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the Nintendo Switch Game: Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2023 at minimania
Hmm. Here we are again. Here's a little attempt at a list. As always, do let John know if you're getting something off this to avoid duplication! (7 December: Made a little update to the CD section below...) First up there's quite a few books that would be useful, given... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2021 at minimania
Ugh this was hard. I'll keep thinking and trying to add things but mostly what I need is time! vouchers always welcome too, of course. And be sure to email John to tell him if you've chosen something off the list! Philip Pullman's new book in the prequel series... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2019 at minimania
Once again I'm struggling a bit to come up with things - everything is work work work at the moment! But here's a few suggestions: Rotary fabric cutter - this will make it easier to cut slippery fabrics and is recommended for making underwear because of that. This Fiskars titanium... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2019 at minimania
Oh dear. All I can think of this year is books at the moment, so I'll start there and see what else comes. Usual terms & conditions - please tell John what you've picked to avoid duplicates (unnecessary with the brush pens - duplicates are welcome!). I can give you... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2018 at minimania
Sanctuary: Britain's Artists and Their Studios is a marvellous book but weighs an absolute ton. It took everything I had to get it from the shelf in Chelsea College of Art library to the table - there's no way I'm going to attempt to bring that sucker home with me.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2018 at minimania
OK, so Christmas is loooooming and suddenly I find a need for a list, so here I am cobbling one together yet again. Usual setup applies - let John know if you pick something off the list so there's no doubling-up and terrible return-based disappointments. For uni, I am going... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2017 at minimania
A little list, from which relevant people hopefully will find something suitable. PLEASE EMAIL JOHN with anything you decide to get from this list so we can avoid double-ups and returns! Apologies for the short list, but I'm low on inspiration and time, and there aren't many people who need... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2017 at minimania
Wow. This blog really has disintegrated into present-list tedium! If you're actually following it and wondering where all the content went, try One Creative Thing and/or :-) And now into the present-list fray for Christmas 2016! Usual disclaimer applies (click back through the posts here if you don't know... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2016 at minimania
Lists lists lists. Trying to start this one a bit early. Also starting with a bit of a wallet-thumper, but even a donation towards this one would be great (Note!! Thanks to the generosity of my friend Stuart, my immediate crisis for this has been solved - I'll still need... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2015 at minimania
I was right with the last post - this is indeed the blog of presents. Usual disclaimer. Make sure you tell John (if you've emailed him, tell me to tell him to actually read his email...) if you're getting me something off this list so there's no awkwardness with doubling... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2014 at minimania
OK, this is officially the Blog of Present Lists. Therefore I am skipping the customary disclaimer - read any of the older lists if you don't know why this is here :-) So. Birthday. In. Oh Sod. 2 weeks. I'm a bit behind! Here's some ideas if you're lacking in... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2014 at minimania
Another year, another post, eh? So here it is. Usual spiel: this year's list no, this isn't a hint. It's for if you were considering getting me something anyway and just don't have any inspiration. Also, feel free to deviate if you want... it's long not because I want/expect to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2013 at minimania
It seems like no time at all since I was doing my Christmas list, and I still haven't finished playing with all my toys, so this list is actually proving a little tricky to compile. Also, because of having received two marvellous cookbooks for Christmas which I'm nowhere near done... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2012 at minimania
This blog has been pretty much inactive for quite a long time now, and as I'm starting a new personal project that isn't really appropriate to talk about anywhere else, I guess this is the place. I never meant for this blog to turn into a dumping ground. I almost... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2012 at minimania
Well, having made my 2012 goals list and joyfully bid farewell to the horrors of 2011, today I found an email from someone talking about the 10 best things of their 2011. Given how mostly awful 2011 was for me - back pain, depression, 9-month gum infection that nobody could... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2012 at minimania
Well, this is an interesting blog, isn't it. It seems to have turned into semi-annual postings of lists of stuff. So sorry. There's more interesting reading over at Should consolidate some of these blogs... To the issue at hand... Given the general quietness of this site, if you're reading... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2011 at minimania
I can't believe it! Christmas just finished and yet I suddenly realised that there's only a couple of weeks till my birthday. Which of course calls for (yet-another) list. This year's focus is a hard-edged one - no fluffy distractions for Minim this year - I'm all about the composing... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2011 at minimania
Great post, as always. But you've made me realise that it's midday and I'm still in my pyjamas. Guess I should go and do something about that, eh?
Toggle Commented Mar 10, 2011 on Not quite Dorian Gray at serendipity
1 reply
I've just spent three hours thinking about my business, working through worksheets and planning stuff. And the conclusion I'm coming to is that the more I think about what I want my business to be, the more it seems to wriggle and transform under my gaze. Possibly this means that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at minimania
New year, new meme - just found that I was tagged in a friend's Facebook meme, but I have a bit of a horror of Facebook notes, so I'm going to put it here instead. Inside the Actor's Studio Thingie James Lipton (whoever he may be) asks these 10 questions... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2011 at minimania
Yup. New Year. Review of last year's goals and working out what this one's will be. I'll be the first to admit that last year's goals were for the most part either too ambitious (e.g. walking the Thames Valley path - I'm only just able to contemplate the prospect of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2010 at minimania
minim is now following Brock
Dec 16, 2010
After Gorecki’s death a few weeks back, one obituary in The Guardian gave a wonderful quote: If you can live without music for two or three days, then don’t write – it might be better to spend the time with a girl or with a beer. This was the answer... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2010 at minimania
I wrote the following post some time ago (last year, in fact) and it's been languishing over at, partly because I was raaather het-up when I wrote it and wanted to let it settle and partly because I wasn't sure it was quite appropriate for minim-media. It's even less... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2010 at minimania