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do you get my email that I send it to you with my art work
-I love B-BOY picture?????
Seat 1A
Right on the front of the plane *This post uploaded via BBMobile*
where I can find this!!! It is for sale only in London or and other country in Europe????
P.S Love it!!! It rely fits with this jacket-------->
Splitting from the Parentals
>> Remember those Proud Parents, the Jakarta-based label that consisted of Muqliza Imroni and Resida Irmine? Well Muqliza has flown the nest away from her parentage and has continued her speciality of resin based jewellery label Sou Brette, which has resulted in these pieces that form her lates...
Hi I follow your blog since 2009 I love your post and your way of thinking for fashion.For one month ago I stared to write my blog and I think that I must to work hard to get up. I saw this post and I won to tell you that if you one day will go to Poland you must to go to Krakow and to see a museum of "BAGS" it have so old Bags that remember time of Napoleon Bonaparte. see you on my blog I hope so!!!!!!
Enter the Enchanted
I'll come right out and say that whilst I'm a fashion blogger by main definition, on the side I'm also a cantankerous London advocate and devotee as well. This blog is shamelessly London-centric and yes, the majority proportion of you guys haven't a clue what I'm banging on about half t...
Cool Julia Roberts she is relay good in this kind of movies it is a comedy???
Eat, Pray, Love feat. Julia Roberts [movie trailer]
Eat, Pray, Love America's sweetheart, Julia Roberts, has a new film called "Eat, Pray, Love". Watch the trailer. I need to do this in my life!!!!!! I'd love to travel for a year. I'm sure it's gonna be life-changing. I've just got back after being gone for almost two whole months (ok, NYC...
SOMEWHERE in the world have people who are made and born to wear and to make fashion to create it , but there are and people who write and talk about fashion people like you making difference in beautiful and some "OFF" fashion writing and living with fashion sleeping with fashion and wake-up with it . making difference in the details who nobody cares for it and making the same question every day "what I can wear today " or helping people to answer it is all you I'm very THANKFUL for your blogging and you way of living because you make my day better and my world easy and the most important thing helping me to have more LOVE to FASHION!!!
Sometimes, Self-assessment is Not Enough.
Sometimes, Self-assessment is Not Enough I'm about to post a long entry after being inundated with emails. I know some of you have been following me since day one of my blog. Many of you have been following me for years... one, two, three, four. Perhaps some of you have only discovered me re...
We do love Bryan Boy every one does !!! I have this issue at home and I have read it but I have and the POLISH ELLE and I read it to they are telling good things for you , so I have a blog too, it is about a fashion I do not have a followers but I thing that this is the start I I must to write and wait!!!!Your blog is very cool I just love it ! You look great in this picture big LIKE for the Pants !
The Shot
The Shot The next issue is coming out in a few days but have you picked YOUR copy of the amazing (I'm not saying that because I'm there but it really is one of Anna's best issues, content-wise, in a long time) March 2010 issue of American Vogue? I hope your answer is "YES". LOGGED ON: Every gene...
Dior !! This last collection of Haute Coutur was...
Dior !! This last collection of Haute Coutur was brilliant every thing was perfect so I think that John Galliano have inspiration from the horses the shoes and accessories ! Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2010 at RaRA
LaArmoire is now following David Berkowitz
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following heatherbailey
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following SouleMama
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following Account Deleted
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following Wil
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following Denise Wakeman
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following David Byrne
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following Ali Edwards
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following Pim
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following A Beautiful Mess
Mar 8, 2010
LaArmoire is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 8, 2010
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