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Misbah 92
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Misbah 92 is now following Sara Shabir
Mar 22, 2010
Describe the challenges faced by businesses using Internet Marketing (P4)
Internet marketing can have some disadvantages to the way a business operates. Below shows some examples of challenges that businesses may face; - Converting leads to sales For a business to convert leads into sales they need to attract customers and make sure that they buy something from them. ASOS can measure how many people have visited their website but cannot find out how many people have actually purchased from them. To gain more sales ASOS should make their website different from competition and offer wider ranges of products which encourages people to buy from them. ASOS also need to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
Understand the opportunities offered to businesses by Internet marketing (P3)
Promotion of products/services is very important for a business. Below shows how internet marketing can promote a business; - Domain name A domain name is a business’s website address. Businesses benefit when their domain names are easy for people to remember. A business domain name doesn’t have to have the businesses name in; they can also use something else which is easy for customers to remember. Many businesses however use the name of their business as the domain name for example ASOS’s domain name is, which is easy to remember as it is not long. - Search engines An... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
Understand the benifits of internet marketing to customers (P2)
There are many benefits of internet marketing to customers. The befits are shown below; Firstly, a benefit of internet marketing is that there is 24/7 presence. This means that customers can purchase products at any day and time. ASOS sell all their products online only and have no physical stores which their customers can go to. This benefits customers as they can buy products and have them delivered without leaving their home. Another benefit is that it is cheaper and more flexible than offline advertising. Internet marketing is much cheaper for a business as they do not need to worry... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
What are the benefits of Internet Marketing to an organisation?
There are many different benefits that internet marketing has on a business. Firstly, if a business advertises online it can be seen by everyone 24/7. It is also easier and cheaper for a business to advertise online. As it is cheaper advertising online businesses could save a lot of money and invest it into the business. Websites can also be regularly updated and changes can be shown straight away. Online advertising is beneficial to ASOS as they regularly have new offers and latest information for their customers, so updating their website is simple for them and customers can view the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
Misbah 92 is now following Abshan Gulzar
Feb 20, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Roya Zen Super Blog
Feb 20, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Mary-nk
Feb 20, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Matthew Richards Live28
Feb 16, 2010
What is 'Disintermediation' and does it help producers?
Disintermediation means removing the middle man. Distrubution channels usually have a wholsaler, agent etc. Businesses can now deal with customer directly over the internet instead of using a middleman. To many businesses this is a benifit as they dont have to pay the costs of a middleman which mean that they will make more of a profit or charge cheaper prices for their customers. If ASOS's manufacturers were to sell directly to ASOS this would benifit them as they wouldnt have to pay people or companies to supply the products to ASOS. ASOS's products may also arrive to the business... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
Misbah 92 is now following Andi
Feb 10, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Taheera1
Feb 10, 2010
Does Internet marketing enable more effective targeting and segmentation?
By internet marketing it will enable more effective targeting and segmentation for a business as they can see if their products are selling in the market and if not what they can do to make their products sell. Marketing also helps the business to find out what products are in demand and how many people buy products online. Online marketing is easy and simple and is used by millions around the world. It is a very successful method used by businesses to sell their products. Products sold onlince can be brought and accessed at any time of the day which... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
Misbah 92 is now following Mehwish
Feb 7, 2010
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Feb 7, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Yasir
Feb 7, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Sidra's N Anisa's N Smellii Iptii's ...
Feb 1, 2010
How does Internet Marketing help towards the achievement of business objectives?
Internet marketing can help towards a business’s objectives. Internet marketing helps the business become aware of what the customer wants from a product. It also gives the business a chance to improve on existing products aswell as design new ones. This will help attract new customers for a business and also make them more profitable. Every business sets objectives for themselves. ASOS’s objectives are shown below: - Provide Uncompromising presentation ASOS only sell online which means that they have no physical stores which customers can go to. It is important that their website is well presented to the customers and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
Does Internet Marketing contribute to or highlight the need for effective identification of new product/market development opportunities?
A business can use market research to find out exactly what their customers want. Knowing what the customers want increases the chance for the business to make more of a profit as they know that the products will sell. By internet marketing a business can see how popular a product is and they can also identify any improvements which can be made on the product. ASOS’s internet marketing helps them to find new products and concepts of marketing. Firstly, ASOS have their own blog which customers are able to discuss products over. It is an open conversation between the customers... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at Misbah 92's blog
Misbah 92 is now following Zouber1
Feb 1, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following mursaleen
Feb 1, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Osman
Feb 1, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Zaffar
Feb 1, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Account Deleted
Feb 1, 2010
Misbah 92 is now following Zaffran Amjad
Feb 1, 2010
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