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Laura Ebke
United States
Senior Fellow, Former Nebraska State Senator, Classically liberal libertarian, working on book
Interests: Free Markets, less government, leave me alone.
Recent Activity
I refuse to believe that Nebraska (or the country) is as divided as the political class would have us believe. By political class, I refer not only to those actually in elected office but those who take up so much bandwidth on social media talking about nothing but what's going... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2023 at Misplaced Liberty
{EDIT: Following some Twitter comments, I feel compelled to add that my views here are based on policymaking practicalities, not on the essence of the argument. Unlike with defining where stop signs should be placed or what speed limits are for everyone, culture war-related legislation doesn't typically "fix" the problems... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2023 at Misplaced Liberty
Fifteen years ago (in 2007), I started a blog that followed and became part of the "Ron Paul Revolution" in the GOP from 2007 to 2012. In 2014, I was elected to the Nebraska legislature, and the increasingly rare blog posts faded into oblivion, with "RedStateEclectic" going the way of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2023 at Misplaced Liberty
Jim Vokal spoke on the CARES Act in a White House virtual meeting. Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2020 at The Full Platter
All over the country, governors used executive orders to reduce health care licensing restrictions in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Regulatory changes included waiving fees, granting recognition of out-of-state medical personnel licenses, allowing immediate licensure for students who had not quite completed their clinical program, and waiving certain testing requirements... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2020 at The Full Platter
Scroll through the assorted blog posts on this page, or take a look at the Platte Institute website, or at our Twitter or Facebook pages, and you'll see that we continue to look forward to helping Nebraska develop good policy in the post-COVID-19 reality. From our first big webinar offering... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2020 at The Full Platter
Thanks for commenting, Mr. Murray! It seems as if there will be a lot of things for us to take a look at once the current crisis is over. But anything that has the effect of increasing the chances of an economic rebound and growth--including the stripping away of many regulations--ought to be looked at. The "exceptions" to regulations that governors around the country have implemented seem like really good places to start.
1 reply
I suspect that we've all been just a little out of sorts lately. While I personally work from home most of the time, I'm usually able to do that work without kids in the house--and I usually jump in the car and run to the grocery store, or downtown to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2020 at The Full Platter
The last week or so has been something of a whirlwind here in Nebraska, as cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) started to show up. Events have been canceled, schools have closed, state basketball tournaments have been modified to have no meaningful fan presence, colleges have moved toward remote classes, and some... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2020 at The Full Platter
I noted last week that recent research by the Goldwater Institute suggests that universal recognition enacted in Arizona was showing significant benefits for both the state's labor market and for workers seeking to continue to practice their occupation in a new location. A new policy report from Arizona State's Center... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2020 at The Full Platter
Here's an interesting story about the silliness of some occupational licensing boards. A man trained in electrical engineering, questions the formulas used for timing red lights in Oregon, after his wife gets a ticket for moving through the intersection to make a right turn on a yellow (the light turned... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2020 at The Full Platter
A friend sent me a link to this story yesterday, and here in beef country, it seems like something we should know about. It would seem that an entrepreneur in the Sandhills--eager to provide a high-value product--is being stymied by "red tape" and the federal government. Big surprise, right? Since... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2020 at The Full Platter
Universal Recognition for occupational licensing burst onto the scene almost a year ago when Arizona enacted its "universal recognition" bill last April. Pennsylvania became the second state to enact universal recognition in late July of 2019. This year, more than a dozen states, including Nebraska, saw legislation introduced (although none... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2020 at The Full Platter
A recent analysis by the Archbridge Institute found that in neighboring Iowa, occupational licensing requirements added between 1993 and 2012 was associated with a 4.7% reduction in economic mobility and a 10.9% increase in income inequality. Growth in occupational licensing is associated with fewer opportunities for workers to earn more... Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2020 at The Full Platter
Today (Tuesday, February 25) marks Day 30 of Nebraska's 60-day legislative session this year. Halfway there. In reality, probably a little over halfway, because Speaker Scheer has typically tried to close the session out between days 57 and 59. If you look at the Legislative Calendar found here, you'll see... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2020 at The Full Platter
Sometimes, circumstances remind me of songs, and the John Lennon song "Imagine" came to mind as I was reading the articles I link to below. This article popped up in my Google alerts yesterday. It appears that a couple of legislators in Tennessee have decided to float a very bold... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2020 at The Full Platter
On Thursday, I testified on two bills before the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee of the Nebraska Legislature. The first one I testified on was Senator Andrew La Grone's (LD49) LB1187, which would provide for "universal recognition" of occupational licenses of people who move to Nebraska from other states.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2020 at The Full Platter
This op-ed, posted recently in The Hill, suggests that licensing is not just about reducing "red tape"--it's also about giving people real opportunities to lift themselves from poverty. Licensing laws are barriers that can put your dreams on hold for years. They also make us less safe. Individuals who have... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2020 at The Full Platter
An article published by Reason Magazine today points out the insidious nature of many states' occupational licensing frameworks. The Hillsbourough County Sheriff's office conducted a 9-month "sting" operation, which resulted in the arrest of 118 men and women. The sting, according to Patch, saw sheriff's deputies pose as homeowners seeking... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2020 at The Full Platter
When I was running for the Legislature (both times), property taxes where high on peoples' minds. I tried to listen to their concerns, and some comments I heard while watching the legislative coverage several days ago (and then again today) reminded me of some of the things that I'd heard,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2020 at The Full Platter
Senator Steve Erdman dropped a surprise in the hopper on the last day of bill introduction. And his surprise is designed to decrease the "shakedown effect" that many Nebraskans feel when it comes time to pay property and income taxes. LB300CA--a proposal for a "Constitutional amendment to prohibit all forms... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2020 at The Full Platter
John Stossel describes some of the problems with occupational licensing and the opportunity to "make good" for those who have had problems with the law. Nebraska's Occupational Board Review Act (LB 299, 2018), did not totally eliminate restrictions for licensures, but it now gives potential license-seekers the ability to pre-inquire... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2020 at The Full Platter
While most of us wouldn't argue that some occupations in the medical field shouldn't be regulated in some way, one of the arguments that I often make when engaged in discussions about the need for occupational licensing is that in the 21st century, the more important consumer standard for whether... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2020 at The Full Platter
Adam went through a list of bills that caught his eye--either positively or negatively--during the first three days of bill introduction in the Legislature. Before Day 4 kicks off, I thought I'd mention a few bills that had me saying "hmm." First, I should probably note that just about all... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2020 at The Full Platter
As a "hobbyist" genealogist for the last 10 years, there's always been one branch of the family tree that's been a bit of a mystery. I started my hobby as the result of commercials at about this time of year--I remember my family watching "A Christmas Story" and these... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2020 at The Full Platter