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Miss Banshee
Dirty Jersey
bipolar. former drunk. humor writer. rabid monkey.
Interests: being awesome.
Recent Activity
I am so, so proud to call you my friend.
My name is Laurie
Do you know that I went to preemptively add this post to the "Life" category, and I discovered that I don't have one? I have written on this site for eight years and I don't have a life category. I have "Just Life" and "Lunacy" and "Daily Grind" and "Delicious Ambiguity" and all of this cutesy ...
Ah mah gah, I am NOT getting an implant. Just get RID of the thing, it's done nothing but cause me trouble since it sprouted. GIT. IT. OUT.
Just Call Me Fang
People sometimes compliment me on my smile, and I immediately clap my hand over my mouth, worried that they're being sarcastic. My teeth, at least the ones you can see, are all crowns, fake as Snooki's tan, acquired through a series of VERY unfortunate events all occurring in my mouth. My real t...
Miss Banshee is now following Holmes
Sep 28, 2010
I heart you. And you forgot that I kept demanding of you the score of the Red Sox game. THE SAME GAME THAT WAS ON THE TELEVISION NEXT TO ME.
And I'M the sober one. *headsmack*
Sexual Chocolate! A BlogHer 2010 Memoir (Part Deux)
Part Uno available here for your reading pleasure... Before we move on to the events of Friday - the first day of BlogHer proper - two things about Thursday that I'd forgotten to mention: • As we walked into the People's Party on Thursday evening, BHJ stopped for a moment so he could say hi & in...
I loved the ending, and I'll say it publicly. It will be saved on my DVR forevah.
Lost Epilogue: The New Man in Charge
Okay, first let me just put this out there and get the rotten-vegetable pelting out of the way: I enjoyed the final episode of Lost and have only very minor quibbles with how they chose to end the series. I realize I am in the minority here. But I was in with the majority of people who hated...
The PR company did the split screen. I have NO CLUE how they did it. Good luck with your interview!!
Me at MamaPop: The Carrie Ann Inaba Interview
Have you ever wanted to see me questionably clothed, interviewing Carrie Ann Inaba from Dancing With the Stars? Have you ever wanted it to be on YouTube for all to see? WELL YOU'RE IN LUCK. Check it out OVER AT MAMAPOP, YO. I'm barely clothed, but my mascara is FLAWLESS. AMG, I am such a dork....
this made me SO happy. I was wicked worried about his health as well, and he just seems like such a great guy, and DAMN, he's lookin' good! (I always harbored a crush on him as well.)
John Goodman Has Lost an Olsen Twin.
John Goodman has been everywhere lately, looking like the trim sexy man we always knew was in there but he apparently ate. Now he has released his very important secret on losing the weight. I'll admit it; I've always had a little crush on John Goodman. He's got stage cred, he's wicked fa...
@Hey You, no apology needed. And excellent Google-Fu! If he actually had a cochlear implant, OH MAN would I have felt horrible. Thank JEBUDDAH I don't have to start looking for lightning bolts. :)
The Bachelorette: Ali's Second Chance (AT MENTAL PATIENTS)
Well well well. Here we are again. And to say this particular installment of The Bachelorette is over-dramatic is like saying I like Hostess products. You don't want to miss this one, cats and kittens. Previously, Roberto had game on a tightrope, we white-boy danced to the Barenaked Ladies,...
@teh Duchess: MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET. I'm a maroon. Thanks for catching that, it's fixed now. *headdesk*
Win Vs. Fail: The Tony Awards
So the 2010 Tonys are come and gone, and there were SERIOUS Win/Fail moments. Let's go through the show and see what brought the noise, and what just brought the funk. (That was a terrible joke, I apologize.) WIN: Sean Hayes: Just Jack was phenomenal. He didn't top NPH, but he was giv...
EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Thanks SO MUCH for coming! We had a blast, did we not? See ya for the next big awards show!
Tony Awards Open Thread HERE 8 PM ET!!!
Oh YEAH, people, let's get our theatre geek jam ON!!!! Come right here and hit the comments at 8 PM ET on CBS for the festivities, hosted by Just Jack - I mean, Sean Hayes! Hit those comments with all your theatre geekatude and snark!
Tony Awards Open Thread HERE 8 PM ET!!!
Oh YEAH, people, let's get our theatre geek jam ON!!!! Come right here and hit the comments at 8 PM ET on CBS for the festivities, hosted by Just Jack - I mean, Sean Hayes! Hit those comments with all your theatre geekatude and snark!
Let's wrap this puppy up, Bernadette!
Tony Awards Open Thread HERE 8 PM ET!!!
Oh YEAH, people, let's get our theatre geek jam ON!!!! Come right here and hit the comments at 8 PM ET on CBS for the festivities, hosted by Just Jack - I mean, Sean Hayes! Hit those comments with all your theatre geekatude and snark!
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