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I am always on the lookout for little bags to organize my stuff, so I picked these up on my last trip "over the bridge" to Target. 3 different sized bags for $14.99 - I figured I'd find a use for them, but I just liked the colors and patterns.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at Smeddling Kisses
AMEN! I couldn't agree more, really.
1 reply
Nice stems - you look awesome!
Toggle Commented Jul 30, 2010 on BlogHer10 Fashion Show! at Inverse Candlelight
1 reply
While I have been known to hold up my index finger to a "Mommommommom" yammering child in the universal "Wait until I'm finished" signal, I can't even imagine nonchalantly ignoring (1) my puking child and (2) an innocent stranger covered in my child's regurgitation!!! WTFFFFF??? From a parent's point of view? My first thought would be "OMG! My child just projectile vomited on someone? Is he/she okay? Is the stranger okay?" Once I ascertained that my child was not puking up blood or something, I would immediately grovel at said stranger's feet! Why DOES this stuff happen to you, really?
1 reply
Oh, YUM.
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2010 on No title at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
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Velma is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
No Snuggie here, but I did receive a loverly box full of Bump-Its to make my hair more "sassy and flirty." I, too, was a bit too vocal in my distain...
1 reply
It sounds lovely! Glad you had this day.
Toggle Commented Dec 5, 2009 on don't run with saws at drowning in kids
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