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Poketo Dot 3-in-1 Pouches - Multicolor
I am always on the lookout for little bags to organize my stuff, so I picked these up on my last trip "over the bridge" to Target. 3 different sized bags for $14.99 - I figured I'd find a use for them, but I just liked the colors and patterns.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at Smeddling Kisses
AMEN! I couldn't agree more, really.
Freedom Isn’t Free (not by a long shot!)
You have heard the term "Freedom Isn't Free", haven't you? If you have never heard it spoken, you are almost certain to have seen it on someone's t-shirt, book tote, or as a large sticker on someone's car or truck. Mrs. GF and I saw a car with one of those stickers on it today, while we were hea...
Nice stems - you look awesome!
BlogHer10 Fashion Show!
Casual Travelwear: Nikon/BlogLuxe: Tutus For Tanner (in honor only, Banshee only runs when chased) Friday Night Festivities: Saturday Daytime: Sparklecoooooooooooorn!!!!!!!!! Sunday Daytime: Alternate Day Outfit: all outfits subject to change at a MOMENT'S...
While I have been known to hold up my index finger to a "Mommommommom" yammering child in the universal "Wait until I'm finished" signal, I can't even imagine nonchalantly ignoring (1) my puking child and (2) an innocent stranger covered in my child's regurgitation!!! WTFFFFF???
From a parent's point of view? My first thought would be "OMG! My child just projectile vomited on someone? Is he/she okay? Is the stranger okay?" Once I ascertained that my child was not puking up blood or something, I would immediately grovel at said stranger's feet!
Why DOES this stuff happen to you, really?
An Actual Occurrence: All I Wanted Was A Pan
WARNING: This story involves bodily fluids. So my darling girls were in for my birthday, and decided to make me a lasagna, so I could eat for a week. Best birthday present ever, right??? But when we went to the store, we forgot a pan. So as the ladies cooked, I went to the fancy grocery store t...
Oh, YUM.
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Velma is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
No Snuggie here, but I did receive a loverly box full of Bump-Its to make my hair more "sassy and flirty." I, too, was a bit too vocal in my distain...
Smartassery Begets Smartassery In My Family
You know what happens when you make fun of something and you do so repeatedly? Do you know what will happen if you joke that if you owned such an atrocity you might be inclined to get rid of grounding as a discipline technique and instead wear that certain something to your sons' soccer gam...
It sounds lovely! Glad you had this day.
don't run with saws
e We went to the christmas tree farm this afternoon. After wandering around in the freezing cold all five
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