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Colleen Mitchell
I am a Catholic homeschooling mom of five little boys.
Recent Activity
The thought of a first big girl party with tiaras and British accents just warms my heart. Thanks for the smile.
princess of quite a lot
She was invited to her first big girl birthday party, a princess party at that, and was oh so very pleased. I love her hair all damp with the heat and curls falling but the tiara, the tiara is still in place.
Happy birthday to our dear, beautiful friend. I will offer my holy hour today for her intentions. I pray that her day is blessed to overflowing and that her body grants her the freedom of pain she needs to soak it all up. For healing, for joy, for peace. And the deep knowledge that she is very, very loved.
It's Elizabeth DeHority's Birthday!
Oh, happy happy! Elizabeth DeHority is celebrating her birthday. Let's gather a bouquet of the finest kind. Please pray for her today. Leave a comment below to wish her a happy day and assure her of your prayers. Thanks so much!
Absence Makes the Heart Grow
Since my husband has been out of town for a while, I've noticed something. In his absence, I grow more crazy, madly, deeply in love with him. Sure, we're all familiar with that old notion of absence making the heart... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Looking Him in the Eye
In this post, I wrote that after digging to deep to find the root cause of the lack of intimacy I was feeling in prayer life, I realized that I was harboring fear, anger, blame, doubt and a host of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Backyard Water Park: A Photoessay
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Posted Jul 19, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Digging in to Dig Out
After I posted a little bit about my struggle with dryness in prayer and learning to be lonely, a few people asked me what the remedy was to such dryness. The truth is, that is a tough question to answer... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Savoring Summer with the Snoring Scholar
I'm lucky enough to be guest posting over at Sarah Reinhard's place today, and we've whipped up some quick summer fun for you that includes ice cream, flip flops, and give away! Don't miss out. Go! Read! Grab the button.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
The Fast of Loneliness and the Feast of Friendship
In the past few weeks, our lives have slowed from the busy pace of late spring with its baseball and work schedules and the final push of the school routine. Things are slower around here. And I am working my... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
Today the Church honors, Sts. Peter and Paul, her two greatest fishers of men. Our dinner plans are posted over at Catholic Cuisine. Blessed feasting to you all! Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window...The sun is shining and I'm sure we're in for another steaming hot Louisiana summer day, punctuated by quick thunderstorms. That seems to be the norm lately. The flowers are starting to feel the effects. My petunias are... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Simply Footprints Daybook
FOR TODAY Outside my's late and dark and quiet and the ground is still wet from a good soaking we had late this afternoon. I am thinking...Actually, I'm trying not to think too much these days. Such big questions... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Mudpie Masterpiece
Gabriel, our resident artist, takes mudpie creations to a whole new level. This child's creative vision near gets boring. Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Announcing: Distant Shores
Please do click over to my new little shop and help me spread the word. Cool items and the chance to help missionaries and the people they serve! What could be better? Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
And Then There Was May
Well, the last time I wrote here, a long, long time ago, I really was trying, with all my heart, to live the Church's call to be an Easter people, to live life as an Alleluia. And it was an... Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
How to Be an Alleluia
It's still Easter. Do you feel it? Is the wonder of the empty tomb still fresh? Is the shout for joy still rising up, welling over, spilling out? Are you still feeling the relief of the proclamation: "ALLELUIA"? St. Augustine... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Thanks, Monica, I will look for those at the library this week!
In the Seasonal Basket: Spring
I have been trying to be a little more focused lately on getting the full value of our library system and filling book baskets with new topics regularly. We've been really loving our nature and art learning trails and thanks to Jessica, our Easter book basket was full to the brim this month...
Dawn, Here's the funny thing about those wine glasses...they're plastic! My kids have broken so many wine glasses over the years that I stopped buying them until I found those at Target.
At the Good Shepherd's Breakfast Table
Last week, as I looked over the list for the Garden Party for week two of Easter, first and foremost on my mind was how to adapt things so there would be less sugar pulsing through my little guys veins. This spring air has left them friskier than normal, the feasting has added the sugar dim...
In the Seasonal Basket: Spring
I have been trying to be a little more focused lately on getting the full value of our library system and filling book baskets with new topics regularly. We've been really loving our nature and art learning trails and thanks... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
At the Good Shepherd's Breakfast Table
Last week, as I looked over the list for the Garden Party for week two of Easter, first and foremost on my mind was how to adapt things so there would be less sugar pulsing through my little guys veins.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Soul Sisters
I spent some time in my rose garden yesterday afternoon, tearing away a year's worth of overgrowth and revealing the hint of gorgeous color still encased in green buds. I draped tendril up lattice and guided their climbing. I pulled... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Good Shepherd's Garden Party Week 1
Early on in the week, as I still tried to recover from my Easter haze, I realized that given the week that lie ahead of us, one large tea party wasn't a likely option for this week. That realization was... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Cindy, You are welcome to add this link to your carnival if I forgot to stop by and link up myself.
Nature and Art: The Glory of Spring
With Spring full upon us here and the knowledge that in a few short weeks we will begin to complain about the heat, I am trying very hard to immerse us in as much nature study and outdoor time as possible. Last month, inspiration struck and I decided on a whim to create a display about bir...
Nature and Art: The Glory of Spring
With Spring full upon us here and the knowledge that in a few short weeks we will begin to complain about the heat, I am trying very hard to immerse us in as much nature study and outdoor time as... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
Marking the Easter Journey
We are rejoicing because He has risen! These were plain wooden letters that were on sale with the Easter items at a local craft store. I decided to use them to mark out the major focal points of the fifty... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at Footprints on the Fridge
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