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Paris!!!!! The dress from your mom's line that you put a picture of on Twitter is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love it so much! Wow she is talented! I knew I loved your mom when I met her last year at your... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2012 at Paris Hilton
Malini♥ added a photo at Paris Hilton
I love this picture! I don't know where it's from, or who took it or anything, but it just seems to capture the moment perfectly :) Haha. Were you raving here?? Haha loooves it. I miss you!!!! Have an exciting night with whatever you're doing! I hope you had fun at Disneyland!! Love you! xoxoxxoo
Jan 5, 2012
I love your random daily updates about what you're doing :) haha you're awesome!! PS that kind of sandwich on sourdough bread is good with avocados on it, too, besides the bacon and tomatoes, and I don't even like sandwiches.
Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2011 on No title at Paris Hilton
Hey!!! :) I haven't posted anything on here in suuuuuch a long time!! I've just been so busy with school work I guess. I've missed this & all of you so much! How have you been, Paris?? I haven't talked... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Malini♥ added a photo at Paris Hilton
So cute!!!! :) I'm so glad you love animals as much as I do. Little ones like these need a voice that people will listen to. I'm so thankful that you can do that for them and for all of us that love animals & that live for them!!! Love you!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
Oct 6, 2011
Hi P!! I'm glad you made it to Mumbai safely! :) It's so fun there... It's like the Indian version of NYC, kind of. Except the traffic is ridiculous.....there are literally elephants walking down the street & blocking traffic. Haha... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Malini♥ added a photo at Paris Hilton
Love this picture :)
Sep 11, 2011
Hey!!!!!! I hope everyone is having a great weekend :) and Paris, I hope you're still having the time of your life in Ibiza!!! Well, that is, if you're still there, because you've been everywhere lately! Are you still going... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Hahahaha "I can't believe you would buy a clown wig without me." LOL that was epic.
I'm so happy to hear that you're going to India next month, Paris!!! At least I hope that rumor is true. :) I'm half Indian, and so I'm really excited that you're going there & opening a new store!! It's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Malini♥ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Aug 24, 2011
Hey Paris!!!!! ♥ I haven't been on here in ages! I love you and all the little hiltons SO MUCH and I'm sad that it's been so long since I've signed on to the community! All the pictures and news... Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Malini♥ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Aug 1, 2011
Malini♥ added a photo at Paris Hilton
Paris, me, & the beautiful Kathy Hilton! :) I love your family, Paris!!!
Jul 16, 2011
Hi Lance! Thanks :) You have a great night, too. Thank you. Haha. So do I! Lol. I feel like I've been punched in the face repeatedly non-stop. Goodnight!
Hey P! Hey little hiltons! How is everyone's weekend been going so far? ;) I've been taking summer clases, which suck, and going on a lot of family vacays lately, so I haven't been on here lately, but I miss... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Yeah it was great! :o) Thanks!! You too.
This is soooooooo sad :( It made me cry too. That baby pitbull had the cutest face I've ever seen. More people need to be like you and adopt instead of buy from breeders, puppy mills, and pet stores! :(
Hey everyone! :) On wednesday, I was freaking out because I'm at a hotel that has every channel except Oxygen, and I thought I would miss The World According to Paris. Thank goodness that they have full episodes online, though,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Malini♥ added a photo at Paris Hilton
♥ Paris! :) Today it's been 3 years since the first time I ever met you! I can't even believe it's been that long!! It was such a surprise to see you and to be able to meet you and talk to you in person for the first time, but for some weird reason, I felt like I should bring one of your books with me when I went shopping with my sister that day. I've been going shopping on Robertson blvd. all the time ever since I was really little, and I knew you went there a lot, too, but I never expected to see you there. Obviously everyone thought I was crazy for carrying my Heiress Diary around in a shopping bag everywhere I went that day. I realize that seems like the most stalker-ish thing you could do, but I just had a feeling I needed it that day. Now I know what the reason was, though, because the girl who worked at the store you were shopping in saw me holding the book and let me come in and say hi to you. Meeting you and getting to know you has changed my entire life. Anyone who has gotten to know you beyond what the tabloids present to them could probably say the same. I'm sure I made the worst, most awkward first impression ever, with the book and everything, so thank you so much for remembering me and keeping in touch for so long :). Haha. I promise I'm not a stalker or a hungry tiger. I know how hard it must be to do regular things and to just live your life when there are constantly people taking pictures and asking for your autograph. As I've gotten older I've realized how annoying and invasive I must have been, so if I ever randomly see you somewhere like that again, I'll definitely be sure to not bother you or act crazy. Haha. I hope I can see you again, though, anyway! It's always so much fun. :) I go on and on about this whenever I get the chance, I know, but I just hope you know how much you mean to me and how much you've always inspired me. I know that nobody is perfect, but to me, you are as close to perfect as most anyone will ever get. Even in your most difficult times, you're always brightening the lives of everyone around you and entertaining us all with your bright, fun personality. No matter what's happened in your life, you've always kept a smile on your face, and you've always stayed the same sweet, fun, funny, spontaneous person that I've always known you to be. When I was younger, I was in the hospital a lot of times because a doctor gave me too many antibiotics for a sinus infection and I overdosed and had lots of complications. Each time I had to stay in the hospital, I would watch the Simple Life and read Confessions of an Heiress to get my mind off everything. Around that same time, my parents were going through a brutal divorce where the litigation process lasted for almost twelve years. I always felt like my friends, my family, and all the people that were closest to me in my life couldn't relate to what I was going through, and how much all the things I was dealing with at home affected me. I felt so alone sometimes, but whenever I did, I always focused on trying to be more like you. You're so positive, creative, hard working, and driven. You're responsible for so many of the best times in my life, and you've made so many of my dreams come true. Even despite how busy you are, you've always been such a good friend to me. Besides that, I think you're just the greatest role model out there. Not many other people your age run 17 companies, and most anyone else who does has let all their success ruin them. That's not a good look. I'm so proud of the person you are and everything you've achieved, P! Because of you, I know that almost anything is possible, and I'm so much more confident in all of my dreams & aspirations. Love you!!!!!! xoxoxoxo Malini
Jun 28, 2011
Malini♥ added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jun 28, 2011
Malini♥ added a photo at Paris Hilton
Happy first day of Summer!!!! This is my favorite picture of you, ever. :)
Jun 21, 2011
Hot!!! Loves it! :) You look fab, P! I love your little puppies! They're sooo cute.
Toggle Commented Jun 21, 2011 on No title at Paris Hilton
Malini♥ added a photo at Paris Hilton
You are soooo pretty :) I love these pictures and your dress!! xo
Jun 6, 2011
Paris. I just wanted to tell you how proud of you I am after watching your epic interview on CNN tonight!!!!! Talking about all those things he asked you about at one time was so brave. And you were so... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2011 at Paris Hilton