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Missy Pratt
Recent Activity
I need a spell/ritual for strength - emotional and spiritual. Of course, money would be awesome too. It's a whole lot easier to be strong when you've got money in your pocket. Yeah, strike the strength and go for money.
Toggle Commented Aug 23, 2011 on Wisdom and Magic Bonanza! at Crackin' Wise
You. In all ways, shapes and forms, I'm grateful for you. *hugs*
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2010 on Gratitude at Crackin' Wise
I completely understand your Dad still giving you advice - Shay does it to me all the time. Pushy danged folks, anyway. It has finally hit Fall here today. It's in the low 60s right now and feels amazing. Mary An and I are going to redo the screens for the windows so we can at least put up the ones in our bedrooms. I love sleeping with the fresh air nipping at my nose.
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2010 on My Season at Crackin' Wise
Missy Pratt is now following Jenny S.
Sep 19, 2010
Missy Pratt is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 24, 2010