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Misty V'Marie
I'm a Printing & Publishing graduate student and substitute teacher trying to find myself through reading.
Interests: reading (mainly young adult fiction), chilling with friends, watching boxed set tv shows, teaching English to MS and HS, playing outside in nice weather, playing on my wii during any weather, learning things to keep me curious, and traveling with/to people I love.
Recent Activity
Where'd you get these? Or did you buy them? You should check out I think you'd like a lot of stuff on there (and perhaps could sell your wares, as well).
Bring on the flair
Dripping with color, glitz and funk here are some barrettes I went to town on.
It sounds delicious...separate from each other. But combined like that?! Eww. Really? It feels a lot like something Dampa would have done, assuming you add some spouts to the top. ;) Glad you enjoyed it. I prefer something more simple, like banana ice cream with brownies, raspberries, and gummi bears.
Blissful Treats Await
For decadent and incredibly accurate flavor choices with toppings galore there's Yogurtland. I enjoyed a pistachio, red velvet cupcake, coffee swirl with gummi bears, oreos, mochi, peanut butter cups, and fresh strawberries and blueberries. There's nothing like some juicy convo with a close g...
Misty V'Marie is now following Kitty V'Marie
Apr 12, 2010
These pictures are incredible! I don't know that I could stair-step for 45 minutes straight, though. I'm guessing the trail is too narrow to rest for a bit, right? Thanks for showing me what I was missing. ;)
Hike to the Top
My favorite hike in the Valley is by far Squaw. Offering a stairmaster climb until you reach the top (1.2 miles) to behold the clear view of downtown Phoenix... you really can't get any better than this. It takes about 45+ minutes to get to the top, and you don't have to be a billygoat or a fu...
Misty V'Marie is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Incarceron: Dystopian Potential
I haven't read much since I finished The Six Rules of Maybe (more on that in another post). One of the perks of being a bookseller is that the publishers sometimes send REAL copies (hardcover ready-to-sell) to us in hopes... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at See Through the Mist
Starting Up Again...
Hey, all. It's been a while. I have decided that while I miss blogging, and I find it an excellent way to keep in touch with friends, I feel that I don't have time to blog about my personal life... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at See Through the Mist
Misty V'Marie has shared their blog See Through the Mist
Jan 6, 2010
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