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Doug Mitchell
Father of 2, husband of 1, leader of many.
Interests: Family, Zymurgy, Growing Small Companies, & Writing.
Recent Activity
The only thing I can imagine doing differently is perhaps not answering the first accusation whatsoever, thus recouping your lost hour of typing and contemplation. If someone believes that $750 is a stipend to feed 92 accredited investors - they may not be worth the keystrokes.
Toggle Commented Aug 22, 2012 on A coaching moment at Christian Renaud's Blog
I learned about generational labeling when I read about the concept of Fundamental Attribution Error I've caught myself saying "those millennials are class A slackers" plenty of times. Now that I'm reading more about human motivation/cognition/drive...I'm a bit more understanding.
Thanks Mike. Glad to hear you're using your Google Juice and Internet Savvy to build your personal brand. Widget Tribe Unite!
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2010 on My Wife Is Not Google at Moments of Clarity
Doug Mitchell is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hey Michael: We were discussing the U.S. Government’s handling of Aviation Security right when you walked by. (yes the same TSA system introduced in post 9/11 panic mode by GWB). I was hoping you had time to stop by and chat w/him but you really seemed to be passing by and flying out…so perhaps we can find a time that you can sit down and get to know Dave and you’ll notice a lot more smiles than scowls. Thanks for the candidate feedback. We’re listening.
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Almost none of the "programs" people get funneled to for help speak the heresy of what we all do Michael. Scary I know. I have talked to 50 biz owners/ hopefuls working with various agencies and still they are "working on their site and filling out the pages". There's still massive disconnect between "using a website to drive demand" and putting one out there to "provide information". Nothing is different now with what we do. We simply compress the tech learning curve and provide the best possible chance for success...and let you focus on what you're good at instead of worrying about exchange for money. Been the same for thousands of years (we are all web blacksmiths I guess) Post coming on :)
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I think like news does have a future. It must change shape and adapt. The problem is as you outlined above, financially, these organizations aren't viable and no one wants to take the hit and "start from scratch" again. Reality is expensive and painful and like the economy, the time is coming to face it.
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Michael: Thank you again for highlighting this issue. How could ANYONE agree to have "accept Mac's money" when they KNEW what his guests/shows/topics/feelings were? Mac has more "gritty" open discussions about religion than anyone around. He doesn't do the "canned" talk that is bought up and delivered around here to keep little stations alive. Shame on THEM for going through the exercise with him. On the flip side, I believe that his show streaming online and being turned into an Internet only property...along with the other shows that we may grab at Impromptu Studio could pose a new and PAINFUL reality to the radio business around here. Sure tons of people still want to listen between 2-4 daily live. But how many of those people are using their "Tivo" to "time shift" their favorite shows? It's coming Michael. use HULU! Now, when we're doing a couple daily shows and many weekly ones from the studio...and we're putting the power of our web strategy/Internet Marketing talent and expertise behind long before these stations are approaching us and asking to get ahold of our content for a price when our ad base and sponsorship blows theirs away? Remember too, that we have those darn METRICS on our side. How many people read newspapers or listen to radio shows? Archaic and inaccurate metrics abound. We can measure more online than these guys possibly fathom and deliver gobs more value than on live radio. I'm not saying live radio is dead...but I think we're turning it on its ear in this market. Our studio has a great view too :) See you next week I think. Doug
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My connections to CA make this a happy day! The Ducks are a great let's see if their underlings can make a go of it. I wonder if this will spark a direct flight from DSM to Orange County! (SNA).
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Let us not forget how effective the "Gun Free Zone" type bans have been (Virginia Tech). When I think about these things for too long, I whip out old testament and hope God is on my side.
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I appreciate your readership and kind words Michael. Power to the home worker!
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I can't wait to see that flick. Now I will for sure. BTW...the CA market (where I used to live) is down big time, over 40% and apparently, prices are tanking and TONS of people are completely upside down. Fallout is not fully exposed yet...but it's coming.
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I equate this to "Insurance salesmen always joining associations and going to shows associated with insurance people". Bad. I'd rather the be lone insurance guy with a specialized "country living offering" and the Country Living Show, when no one else had figured this out. Tell me what products and services are being ignored in the segment Mike...I'm always up for something new.
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My father instilled a very powerful maxim in me that to this day clarifies that taking action is the secret to achieving...vs. sitting around and thinking about it. "Wish in one hand. Shit in the other. See which one fills up first boy." Maybe the language gave this added impact as a youth. In any case, this still works for me.
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I don't believe that our short term, quick hit, ad based society...with its currently overstimulated and overmarketed kids could deal with this more radical approach. Florida is effectively calling for the wiki approach to learning, but further, would like to see more qualitative assessment of that learning. "Well he tried and I do see the face of Marx in his ink blot". In most cases of wiki deployment, the users are not so creative, want guidance, and when left alone, don't "do". This approach will provide the United States with a generation that cares even less about that which provides perspective...history. After all, why would they care. My solution is vocational emphasis. Do a better job at sorting out folks that have certain passions and create a channel that allows them to follow it.
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You can try the multitude of services out basecamp for example. It's a good product but guys like you will be itching for more within 2 minutes. I highly recommend It's a richer experience and adds capabilities that are well beyond basecamp. Central Desktop is 90% of the solution required by 90% of humanity at 10% of the typical cost. I run software deployments, group collaborations on projects w/50+ participants, I use it to create internal sales wikis, it's my intranet, it's an internal blogging platform, and I even use the embedded database and spreadsheet functionality. It's truly an excellent business platform vs. a "project management tool".
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