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Mitch Wagner
Roguish man-about-town.
Interests: science fiction, all types of fiction, and various couch-potato and mouse-potato activities.
Recent Activity
I hope you enjoy your standing desk! This post contains a photo of my setup:
Standing Desk
I am going to hack myself one soon. Here are some examples: Why use a standing desk? Two reasons: Higher calorie burn and better posture. When I'm sitting at my desk, even in a fancy ergonomic chair, I tend to slump, with my back curved and shoulders forward, which closes my chest and makes my b...
Mitch Wagner is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hamlet, I'm looking forward to your analysis of the original article. My own $0.02: Harsh, but fair. We've all known about the first-hour problem in SL for more than a year, well, that article demonstrated exactly what it looks like.
Why's Slashdot Wondering "Whatever Happened to Second Life" When Interest in Slashdot Is Much Smaller Than SL?
Today, Slashdot asks the question, "Whatever Happened To Second Life?", citing a fairly wrong-headed article on a relatively obscure UK computer site. (More on that later.) The comment thread from the Slashdot user community is mostly full of predictably incoherent responses that remind me of my...
Delinda - LOL.
Crap - You're such a sentimentalist.
Open Forum: What'll Be the Top Second Life News Stories of 2010?
We're days away from 2010, so as I have in years past, I want to gather readers' predictions for the coming year. I phrase the question like this: In 2010, what will the top Second Life-related news headlines in the New York Times' Technology section be? (Suggest up to three.) Next week, I'll pu...
The people who giggle and smirk and think it's all about sex are frustrating.
Yes, a *lot* of Second Life is about sex. So is a lot of the Internet, and real life.
If you're into that, fine.
If you're not into it -- if you're morally offended by it -- that's fine too.
Most people like sex. Some people like it kinky and dirty. None of this is new. So stop giggling like a 12-year-old, okay?
When people ask me about it -- especially when the giggle-and-smirkers ask about it -- I explain it as best as I can, and then I conclude, "I'm personally not involved in that side of Second Life, but I know a couple of lovely people who are, and I can introduce you if you're interested." That puts a stop to the giggling and smirking. So far nobody's taken me up on it.
Weekend Machinima: Good Documentary Short on Second Life From SubPixel
This is one of the better documentary shorts on Second Life I've seen, created by Studio Kanzen for its SubPixel series. It's a good video to send a Net-savvy friend still bewildered by SL as an experience and a community: Warning: Contains some sexual content that's somewhat filtered over b...
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