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Phil Vasquez
Recent Activity
Wow. That is really heavy when you think about it, but at the same time very spiritual. It is right, we don't want to leave our very comfortable lives. Especially our mates and children. I wish I could leave work and retire like you, but its not time yet. I have heard before that purgatory is an experience. This make a lot of sence and just want to say Thanks for posting it. Take care and God Be with you Spirit.
Purgatory- Another Look
Here is a little something that helped me to take another look at Purgatory! Purgatory revisited By Rev. Ron Rolheiser, OMI The Tidings...11-14-03 "A common soldier dies without fear. Christ died afraid." Iris Murdoch wrote those words. Among other things, they unmask the simplistic notion t...
Phil Vasquez is now following Fr. Doug
Mar 6, 2011
Phil Vasquez is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 6, 2011
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