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Marla Marvel
Nomi planet ambassador
Recent Activity
i think your description is better than the novel itself but maybe i'm wrong, i'll try to find it out myself. I have read a few novels by Murakami, they were nice, but damn, nice novels makes me nervous. I think novel shouldn't be just nice, just nostalgic,or just funny. as long as they not bringing me something new, something hard, some new problem to solve ,or a strong memory- which is not mine- to feel again, i found em waste of time. But maybe this one is different? Maybe because it's his first.
Still, i like the mood, the blue mood in his books, somehow i found it familiar.
Btw sorry bout my english, it's crap, but i will have no shame and i will practice on your blog, muahuahuahauah!
One more sentence from " Hear the wind swing " and extending it
あらゆるものから何かを学び取ろうとする姿勢を持つ限り、年老いることはそれほどの苦痛ではない。 If you have continued to have attitude to learn something from everything, getting older is not that painful. I agreed about it defenately! I mean I would like to believe in it.Heroine follows then, that he have had been hurt, misunderstood, c...
uaaaaaa ale sliczna....
So interresting note and so ugly face ; D But please continue posting my photos, it will help me to become famous, nevermind where, it may be also a typepad ; ))) hihihihi I think i'm still in honeymoon phase with Japan...
Culture Shock
Today I'm gonna write about culture shock, due to my work that I have to do at my school.The work will be not theoretical, but animation, though at first I would like to sort information theoretically.I think I will come back to this theme another day. The shock consists of three phases. Honey ...
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Jan 6, 2010
Marla Marvel is now following KS
Jan 6, 2010
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Dec 21, 2009
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