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Check out Mr. Goodwill Hunting's blog if you haven't already. He always amazes with his sense of style, on a very sensible budget.
Around the Web
The Tall Guy's Gear Guide originated as a resource for fine clothing for gentlemen six feet and taller. It has since morphed into a catch all for anything of cultural interest to its author, namely: clothes, film, television, comic books, music etc. As a result, while sartorial info is still i...
Thanks, TG. Funny I found your blog just as our President was re-elected! Can I spot a winner, or what?
Bad 25: The Documentary
This past weekend, while enjoying an outstanding weekend in New York City, I went to see the Spike Lee documentary 'Bad 25', focusing on the creation of Michael Jackson's groundbreaking album, 'Bad'. Lee clearly wears his heart on his sleeve as he conducts new interviews with the musicians,...
Well said, Tall Guy!!
And It's A Wrap
Congrats Mr. President! Catch your breath and get some rest, because the hurdles keep on coming. Fortunately, you know how to clear 'em.
M N is now following TallGuy
Nov 6, 2012
M N is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 6, 2012
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