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Mobile Loaves & Fishes
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Mar 15, 2010
Fawn, lets try to get together. Would love for you to meet Steven who is heading up the Korpophoreo project.
Funky, that would be awesome! Alan Graham
Fawn, this is awesome! I have copied Steven who is leading out efforts here and will connect the two of you. We want to be in a position to deliver laying ready chickens which need to be about six to eight months old. Alan Graham
Lani, we hope to begin a larger effort just after the first of the year once we are complete with the beta. Also, we have had great response to the Slideshare stuff you created. We have one of them on our homepage. Alan Graham
Brother, Pizza is still with us just in a different dimmension. Reach out and touch him!
Thanks for commenting Dan! I sense you have a similar heart. Keep on loving!
Thanks for the comment Heather! I think if we as a society can begin to think in terms of how we can relieve the suffering instead of focusing so much on the economics that we would begin to make great progress. As I say frequently there is nothing wrong with being poor but there is a lot wrong if one has to suffer as a result. Most poor people are not suffering; they live joyful purpose filled lives.
Tim, beautiful blog post about our journey this past weekend. Love to see the different perspectives and how they are communicated. Alan