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More fun than a poke in the eye.
Interests: music, reading, rafting, digital imaging, and videos games. some favorites: authors--ted dekker, Stephen Lawhead, tom clancy, glenn beck, brennan manning. Some favorite musicians: switchfoot, shawn mcdonald, toby keith, sara mclachlan, nicole c. mullin, josh groban, alanis morrisette, jars of clay
Recent Activity
Election 2016: Nebuchadnezzar vs. Jezebel Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2016 at Mockazine
Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren (and Stimpy). Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2015 at Mockazine
Last weekend, the president lit up the White House in rainbow colors to celebrate the supreme court redefinition of marriage. This is an issue that divides Americans based on deeply held feelings and beliefs. I wonder if the president will attempt a similar lighting activity this weekend to celebrate America's birth? Would you join me by sharing the picture below and asking our president to light the White House in Red, White, and Blue? Happy Birthday, America! America the Beautiful... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2015 at Mockazine
Since my recent, intimate contact with chiggers, I have taken a break from my daily routine and skipped my morning and/or afternoon walks. Today, still ate-up with chigger bites, I decided to get back on routine and go for my morning walk. In the morning, I usually like to walk around a nearby city park. The park has a 1-mile track around it, in some places paved, and in others, hard pack dirt and gravel. I decided to get 2... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2015 at Mockazine
Attention Folks! This enhancer is for Liquid Water. Do NOT put it in a vaporizer. Do NOT apply directly to ice. This is LIQUID water enhancer only! Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2015 at Mockazine
The 21st century has become the century to celebrate delusional thinking. In our efforts to achieve self actualization, we have consumed so much positive thought mantra that we are beginning to believe it is literal. We used to say, "If you can dream it, you can do it," and, "You can be anything you want to be," knowing that we were being figurative and inspiring; always with the realization that somethings we dream about would not and should not be... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2015 at Mockazine
I recently got my first experience with chiggers, the microscopic larvae of the Trombiculidae family of mites. I was at an outdoor event in grass one evening when a million of these tiny eco-terrorists swarmed up my pantlegs and helped themselves to my flesh. From the waist down, I look like a star map. The insanely itchy "bite marks" they leave behind are a long term reminder of our evening together and they have taught me a few things: A... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2015 at Mockazine
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy was a feature character on the original Star Trek TV show and six Star Trek movies. He is famous for declaring the guy in the red shirt to be dead. He is also well known for reminding his commander that he works within a narrow job description--that of a Doctor. Don't ask him to psychoanalyze someone. Don't ask him to bake a cake, and don't ask him to pole-dance. Continue reading
Posted Jun 16, 2015 at Mockazine
As a father of 5 boys, I can tell you that "thrifty" is not an attribute that comes naturally. In the nature over nurture debate, financial responsibility is solidly in the nurture category. Selfish spending seems to be all too natural. My kids don't waste their money in the same way, but they all waste money. My hope, as a parent, is that I can teach them to be responsible with money. If my kids can master money, money will... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2015 at Mockazine
As a culture, we should lift up people who overcome adversity; people who address problems head on, then solve them. I think it takes a lot more courage to admit you have a problem and then work to overcome it, than to to embrace your problem and ask everyone else to accept it as normal. I am all for celebrating diversity, but I don't think we should celebrate dementia. #caitlynjenner Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2015 at Mockazine
Today Apple announced the release date for the Apple Watch, or iWatch, as I prefer to call it. Of course, you can't say, "iWatch" without thinking of the Jimmy Swaggart scandal 1988. Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2015 at Mockazine
Aileen Quinn is Anakin Skywalker in Little Orphan Annie II: The Sith Will Come Out Tomorrow. Also starring Carol Burnette as Watto Havisham. Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2014 at Mockazine
Posted Sep 11, 2014 at Mockazine
Sure, this mock-up is a #duckface fail, but it is meant to illustrate the broader point that hashtag activisim is, in itself, a miserable failure. It is nice that the first lady wants to take up a cause. Why not bringing back high employment rates? Probably because you need more than a twitter account to create jobs. Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2014 at Mockazine
Mule: The original hybrid vehicle. Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2014 at Mockazine
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me, particularly when I see something at the edge of my focal vision. My brain will take what I see and reinterpret it. Lately, it is happening all the time with a facebook ad for Otterbox: Does this ever happen to you? Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2014 at Mockazine
A request by the New York City Police Department has backfired. Its request that Twitter users share pictures of them posing with police officers has caused people to start sending in photos of police brutality. The NYPD sent a tweet on Tuesday, saying it might feature the photographs on its Facebook page. The responses soon turned ugly when Occupy Wall Street tweeted a photograph of cops battling protesters with the caption "changing hearts and minds one baton at a time."... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 23, 2014 at Mockazine
I'm feeling amused and nostalgic today . . . or maybe it's the stomach flu. Anyway, I heard Rock With You by Michael Jackson this morning. I always chuckle over the line, "Feel that beat, we gonna ride the boogie" so I thought I would make a propaganda poster for it today. Related articles Rock with You Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2014 at Mockazine
In case you haven't heard, Attorney General Eric Holder has testified before congress that his justice department is looking into gun control methods that might include finger print identification or a bracelet that "talks to" a gun, to allow use only by the lawful owner. Of course, freedom loving individuals have nothing to worry about. In light of the NSA scandals, we should not assume the government would track gun owners through their smart bracelets--haha, that's just speculative fiction .... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 9, 2014 at Mockazine
Scientists have pinned down the birth date of the moon to within 100 million years of the birth of the solar system — the best timeline yet for the evolution of our planet's natural satellite. via I studied biology in college, not physics, astronomy, or geology, but I am pretty certain I could have made a wild guess and still landed within the "100 million years" range of dates for the origin of the moon. My confidence in science... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 3, 2014 at Mockazine
With temperatures well in the negatives and a strong east wind over the weekend, the water in a bay around the island of Lovund in Norway froze quickly. So much so, a school of fish became trapped as they swam in the ice. Ingolf Kristiansen came upon the sight Sunday while walking his dog. The water in the bay froze so quickly that the fish died suspended. (Photo credit: Ingolf Kristiansen/Facebook) “I’ve never seen anything like it,” he told Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 16, 2014 at Mockazine
It's even too cold for polar bears in Chicago Sean Gallup, Getty Images Polar bears in the wild have a thick layer of fat that keeps them warm. A polar bear in Chicago had to stay inside Monday because it was too cold at the Lincoln Park Zoo. CHICAGO — It's even too cold for Chicago's resident polar bear. The city's Lincoln Park Zoo says its polar bear, Anana, was kept inside Monday because of the record-low temperatures. via Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 8, 2014 at Mockazine
Have you seen the White House's latest round of advertising for Obamacare (aka the Affordable Care Act)? It features the president holding a sign that says, "#GetCovered because nobody should go broke just because they are sick." Pretty lame, all things considered. Here are some signs I think the president should hold up: Check out some other great responses here. Related articles Celebrate the Government Shutdown with a T-Shirt This Seat's Taken 'Fixed it for you': Ted Cruz truthifies Obama's... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2013 at Mockazine