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Modern Millie
Interests: infertility, really), reading, baking, dogs (well my dogs), and many things purple
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Mar 15, 2010
You are a GENIUS! I am v v behind in my blog reading but always love to see a post from you. One filled with so much goodness and lovely photos is even better.
Toggle Commented Jun 10, 2009 on Mother's Day at The Infertile Gourmet
I loved the last paragraph as well. It is sooooo hard for me not to say something when people talk about honeymoon babies or planning to conceive so they can deliver in a certain month or anything that smacks of fertile arrogance to me. I truly don't want anyone else to experience this pain but I'm so far down the road I can't believe it can just be that easy for some people.
Toggle Commented May 5, 2009 on showering the book at Unwellness
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