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I love the way the light illuminates Tiny especially in the middle pic. She's such a gorgeous cat.
Beautiful dreamer
Those pics of Tiny are drop dead gorgeous, some of the best you've taken. I love the next to last one with Tiny on a log. I only wish you had it in desktop wallpaper size.
A coat of many colours*
Tiny dazzles atop the woodpile this afternoon with her classical profile and the voluptuous silkiness of her exquisite Chelsea Gray coat. What it took a tiny deer mouse celebrated among scientists as an "evolution icon" several thousand years to accomplish — to change the color of its coat ...
So sorry to hear of Ivy's passing. That was a beautiful tribute. She was loved and well cared for and will be missed by many.
Ivy died today. She passed peacefully at the vet's office this evening, after spending the day mostly in her window. She had lots of good Paul Newman food, and a bit of vanilla cookie and ice cream. She spent the day in the company of people who loved her. LadyRanger has written a memorial. G...
I'd title that adorable cause it is.
OK, so I'm cheating a little. The prompt for this week's Photo Friday is: Edible. I couldn't resist. Today we have a wonderful, time-wasting cat link for you: CrappyCat. Really, don't go there if you don't have time. More: Carnival of the Cats is at Nikita's Place; this Sunday it will be a...
Just read the news. Sorry about Spike, it's a great loss losing family. At least you were able to spend your last moments together. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
R.I.P. Spike ~ 1993 - noon today
Spike had a few bad days, since he became ill several weeks ago. But, the next morning, he was always pacing by my bedroom door, eager for attention and the high-calorie treat -- condensed milk -- prescribed by his vet. But not this morning. This morning, he was lying on his side, unabl...
Not exactly, I did one a while back and was running late but not terribly and posted it what I got done, a chunk at a time, and evenually got it all done. I was concerned people might go into kittycat withdrawal not having their carnivals.
But yours are worth waiting for so happy to wait.
More delay...
Immediately following the last post, my Internet connection went down entirely, and has been sporadic since. I am progressing, but in fits and starts. New equipment arrives tomorrow, and it may be tomorrow before I am able to finish the Carnival of the Cats post. Please bear with us... I kee...
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