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Molly Goatwax
Baltimore MD
Mrs. Goatwax is an artist and poet who lives in Baltimore, Maryland.
Interests: Art, micro farming, beer
Recent Activity
Well this is pretty obtrusive.
martha gatewood shared 1 photo with you
martha gatewood shared a photo with you View photo You received this mail because martha gatewood shared these photos with you. If you no longer wish to receive email notifications of shared photos, unsubscribe here. Get the Google Photos app Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View,...
I do too, for all the art openings.
Enough is enough!
I hate being subjected to uninvited advertising. Every time I turn on my phone I have to dismiss a barrage of solicitations for products and services in which I have no interest. You used to be able to get a coupon by clipping them out of the newspaper, but no more. You have to click on a link a...
Today i saw a ski cap on a concrete bolyard. Is it a Baltimore thing to hang up found articles of clothing where the owner might see them?
Public Flannel
Yesterday someone denuded the fire hydrant on the corner of the sweaty abandoned shirt I had so carefully buttoned around it the day before. I think it must have belonged to an overheated masonry man; the devil behind the wheel of a rusting muscle mobile. Today, passing by the hydra...
I have a deep respect for your faith and the solace it brings you. Velna sounds like a wonderful lady. Thanks for the thoughts, Professor!
A Mother's Day Letter to My Posterity Sunday April 8 2016
Dear children, children in-laws, grandchildren, and great grandchildren: I dreamed in the night that I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, and there was Velna to greet me. And so I woke up and she was gone and I just lay there amazed and yet devastated that she was gone and wiped a tear ...
Thanks Joolle!
Happy New
Today after a pick up truck broadsided my car I mashed a couple of bananas into a cake mix and made a tasty sweet. I am feeling ok. Gosh I hope the next year turns out well.
Hey that's sweet. Let's have an e beer soon
Plant therapy
I went in for an MRI today. I told the guy that I didn't care for it, the music was too loud. And then waiting for the injection to light up my skeleton for a bone scan, I read about the Japanese practice of Forest Bathing, shrinrin-yoku. It evens you blood pressure and strengthens your cancer f...
We are still here!
So where was I ?
The closing months of last year brought about a turn for the better, I became gainfully employed. Was asked if I wanted to conduct an analysis of weld test failures for a minimum of three months to help ascertain the resons why the tests were failing. It's a quality related issue, so I have the ...
Wow, it's nice now and will get better and better! I'd rather sit on a bench and read than crawl on my knees and weed!
After! The end of the yard project.
Before After I finished thirteen straight days of yardwork yesterday. Holy shit, that was so much fun. It was also more physical labor than I've ever done in my life. Tomorrow I go back to work, so today I treated my weary self to a classic Austin weekday off: sleep late, drink too much coff...
Are those your last?
Moll's warning
So today is curry day. Not a big curry you understand, in case that Brownhills Bob, Stevie Wilcox and Kate G are reading, as they are all on the list to be fed like hungry piglets. I'm doing some for Wally the Welder and Pat, to sheer them up because their doggie Roger died last week and it has ...
I would like to know how this growing season is going for you- we were too wet from feb through July, into August.
You got your hugelkultur in my keyhole garden!
Trying to grow things in Texas can be heartbreaking. It's been hot and dry, dry, dry for much of the year lately. I was getting discouraged for a while, but this year I decided to try again, and try harder. First, I bought two more rain barrels so I could store the water when it does rain. (Th...
Is that all you got left?
Moll's warning
So today is curry day. Not a big curry you understand, in case that Brownhills Bob, Stevie Wilcox and Kate G are reading, as they are all on the list to be fed like hungry piglets. I'm doing some for Wally the Welder and Pat, to sheer them up because their doggie Roger died last week and it has ...
I miss your dry observations.
A bit like General McArthur, I will return
I know I've been away a long time, but I will be back posting soon.
With the braid? Yes.
The Commute
On my morning route I often see walkers, runners and other exercisers by the side of the road. Trends in gear can shift by season or by fashion. It seems day-glo colored running shoes are popular now. That makes sense for visibility and safety. For that reason runners wear reflective garments al...
Shoot! Happy belated birthday buddy. Yours sounds as exciting as mine, but I had to buy myself the Hyacinth.
Birthday money, bog cleaner and bird food
My sister gave me some birthday money. Did I go out and frot it up with a prossie ? No. Did I buy a new Dalek ? No. I went down to Wilko and bought mealworms and blue tit mix. Then I went to Poundland and bought bog cleaner then I went to Tesco and bought ice cream (for me). The sixth floor dine...
Ooh and yuk, hope you mend quickly. Nice to hear about the birds for entertainment.
arm full of loopy and click, click click
Pretty rough session of lithotripsy yesterday. Firstly, it took about forty minutes for them to find the stone. The session began and immediately, despite the morphine based painkiller they put in my arm, I was in some pain. As the intensity of the pulses was increased it became worse and the co...
Better luck with this soon! We cut off the land line 2 years now at least. You can tell if your phone is really water damaged by pulling off the back and seeing if there is a pink spot on the battery.
Customer service, it's a myth
I despair ! Over the past couple of weeks, I have wasted time and money on phone calls trying to sort out silly little problems and getting little to no help from these so called highly trained professional customer care departments. Firstly, my Galaxy phone is on the blink. The micro USB port i...
Mmmm....mulled wine and mince pies and duck! The bandstand is gorgeous, too.
The concert in the park
Cobbled this together this afternoon from the clips I shot at the Christmas concert yesterday.
Well of course. Looking out the office window on the horse farm I saw flocks of geese land in the pasture and was wild hungry for them before breakfast.
Appeal for the ducks
This is an urgent appeal for anyone who loves duck... Sorry, can we do that again ? I think this script should read ducks plural, otherwise overtones of sauce l'orange or cherries creep in. When I went for my walk on Sunday, I had pretty much a full loaf of Warburtons bought the day before. I t...
You should have enough to last til spring!
Peppers by post
I sent my British blogging buddy, Keith a packet of Serranos and Thai Dragons earlier this season. When he wrote to say they made his lips numb for hours I responded; "Bah Hah Ha! just you wait!". Then I put some Scorpions, Scotch Bonnets and Ghosts in separate baggies into a bubble packet for O...
Philadelphia is lousy with zombies, I think these were professionals.
Night Life
Hubby and I went to Philadelphia yesterday and got accosted by zombies as we went for a beer. Luckily, no one was bitten and we escaped with our brains only mildly damaged.
Love those pink and purple trees! Am also holed up and provisioned. Can't do much about the wind and water, but we can drink beer.
The colours are so pretty they make you cry...
A quiet but grey morning in the arboretum. Not very popular with the ducks as I'd not taken any Warburtons with me reason being, I'd only 2 slices of the stuff at home. The colours as you can see are pretty amazing. One thing I've noticed, following a software upgrade on Android...
Did you mix it well, all the crud on the bottom stirred in?
Doesn't do what it says on the tin...
Since moving here, I have only decorated the lounge and my bedroom, the latter with Darlo's help. Mid - November, I have Welder, Pat Val and O'de un coming round for a meal to celebrate Pat's birthday in early November and O'de un's on the 22nd. I made the decision to decorate the hall, to get r...
Nice photos! Look at those stems, still really fresh.
S'like Christmas
Got home yesterday to find a package from Moll in Baltimore. She's the artist and chilli grower extraordinaire with a penchant for exotic varieties. In the package were: Hot Thai Dragons Trinidad Chocolate Congo (came with a skull and crossbones warning for heat) Serranos (crackling ...
I was worried for you buddy. Eat more veg.
I'm back, sort of...
Darlo popped round this morning for one of our power brekkies, we do this about once a month. A bit special this one, as we had some very nice bacon donated by OBC. Maynards Staffordshire Black which is cured in molasses. Very nice it was too. Also as you can see from the cartons on the table...
Nice sweater! Or you would say jumper
Pedigree Dalek
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