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Molly Goatwax
Baltimore MD
Mrs. Goatwax is an artist and poet who lives in Baltimore, Maryland.
Interests: Art, micro farming, beer
Recent Activity
Well this is pretty obtrusive.
I do too, for all the art openings.
Toggle Commented May 8, 2018 on Enough is enough! at Molly Goatwax
Today i saw a ski cap on a concrete bolyard. Is it a Baltimore thing to hang up found articles of clothing where the owner might see them?
Toggle Commented Mar 17, 2018 on Public Flannel at Molly Goatwax
I have a deep respect for your faith and the solace it brings you. Velna sounds like a wonderful lady. Thanks for the thoughts, Professor!
1 reply
Thanks Joolle!
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2016 on Happy New at Molly Goatwax
Hey that's sweet. Let's have an e beer soon
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2015 on Plant therapy at Molly Goatwax
We are still here!
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2014 on So where was I ? at The Sturdy Soapbox
1 reply
Wow, it's nice now and will get better and better! I'd rather sit on a bench and read than crawl on my knees and weed!
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Are those your last?
Toggle Commented Aug 25, 2013 on Moll's warning at The Sturdy Soapbox
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I would like to know how this growing season is going for you- we were too wet from feb through July, into August.
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Is that all you got left?
Toggle Commented Aug 21, 2013 on Moll's warning at The Sturdy Soapbox
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I miss your dry observations.
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With the braid? Yes.
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2013 on The Commute at Molly Goatwax
Shoot! Happy belated birthday buddy. Yours sounds as exciting as mine, but I had to buy myself the Hyacinth.
1 reply
Ooh and yuk, hope you mend quickly. Nice to hear about the birds for entertainment.
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Better luck with this soon! We cut off the land line 2 years now at least. You can tell if your phone is really water damaged by pulling off the back and seeing if there is a pink spot on the battery.
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2013 on Customer service, it's a myth at The Sturdy Soapbox
1 reply
Mmmm....mulled wine and mince pies and duck! The bandstand is gorgeous, too.
Toggle Commented Dec 22, 2012 on The concert in the park at The Sturdy Soapbox
1 reply
Well of course. Looking out the office window on the horse farm I saw flocks of geese land in the pasture and was wild hungry for them before breakfast.
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2012 on Appeal for the ducks at The Sturdy Soapbox
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You should have enough to last til spring!
Toggle Commented Nov 18, 2012 on Peppers by post at Molly Goatwax
Philadelphia is lousy with zombies, I think these were professionals.
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2012 on Night Life at Molly Goatwax
Love those pink and purple trees! Am also holed up and provisioned. Can't do much about the wind and water, but we can drink beer.
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Did you mix it well, all the crud on the bottom stirred in?
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Nice photos! Look at those stems, still really fresh.
Toggle Commented Sep 3, 2012 on S'like Christmas at The Sturdy Soapbox
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I was worried for you buddy. Eat more veg.
Toggle Commented Jul 4, 2012 on I'm back, sort of... at The Sturdy Soapbox
1 reply
Nice sweater! Or you would say jumper
Toggle Commented May 8, 2012 on Pedigree Dalek at The Sturdy Soapbox
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