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ARMY wife. Doctoral Student. Believer. Achiever. :)
Interests: Loving my soldier even though we're still apart, being a great grad student, dance floors, stiff drinks, and spending time with my amazing family and friends!
Recent Activity
Molly is now following jenna dewan tatum
Mar 25, 2010
Molly is now following Ness
Mar 25, 2010
Hey! Great job! Who sings that song? I love it!
Commented Mar 26, 2010 on Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum at Post the Love
Molly added a favorite at Post the Love
Mar 13, 2010
Thanks, Paula! Much love to you and your Marine!! Bless him for his service, and you for your support of him! I know first hand it takes it's toll!
Toggle Commented Feb 20, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Molly is now following SemperFiToHim
Feb 13, 2010
Molly is now following Account Deleted
Feb 13, 2010
Thank you, ladies for the love on this photo! I wish I could say I took it, but it was taken by my wedding photographer among some of the decor on the tables for our guests. Ladies, support your men in uniform fully! I know what it's like to hate the distance, lonely nights, wondering if he's okay, and lastly, knowing the devastation of an injury, but LOVE them even when these soldiers seem unlovable because of how they shut down from what they've experienced. I give you lots of props for being with men in uniform---it takes a certain kind of strength. As I often say, God made women, and then me made military wives, the strength behind the strong! Thanks again for the love and support!
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Molly added a photo at Post the Love
This is one of the favors we handed out at our wedding. It's an ARMY-issued dog tag each chain saying, "Love Conquers All Things." We gave it to our guests as a reminder of what love can do, and almost all of them still have these key chains on their keys. My husband is an active duty infantryman with the U.S. ARMY and has completed three tours of duty in the middle east on the front lines. He was injured during his last deployment, causing him to have 4 reconstructive surgeries on his leg, and he also lost many men in his company. We have spent over THREE consecutive years apart, and we're still going strong despite his injury, a great distance, and all the hardships that have come our way. As an ARMY wife, I have one thing to say: Love is yours for the taking; grab it, hold on, and love with intensity. True love can conquer all. My soldier and I are living proof. Channing, as an ARMY wife, I thank you for accurately portraying soldiers in the military related movies you have done. Not all military movies are accurate, but you have played the roles with strength, and for that, I commend you and thank you. More people need to know what our men and women in uniform sacrifice.
Feb 12, 2010
Molly is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 8, 2010
Molly is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 8, 2010