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Stacy DeBroff
Mom Central Consulting builds strong, passionate, enduring relationships connecting influential Moms and brands that inspire action and create powerful results. We know Moms, and we know social media. Mom Central Consulting has partnered with hundreds of the world's leading brands and their agencies to build powerful brand relationships with Moms, using social media and off-line influence. We specialize in launching passionate advocates to tell your brands' story: to increase brand awareness, ignite brand enthusiasts, raise positive brand sentiment, answer brand detractors, generate trial and drive to retail.
Recent Activity
Last week, my colleague Maryellen and I attended the WOMMA Wine Wednesday event, which featured panelists from Bright Horizons, Weber Shandwick and Life is Good. The panel discussed how to use video in order to spread a brand’s mission and message and how brands need to stay authentic. Today, many... Continue reading
Category: Social Media How To Use Social Media To Gather Valuable Marketing Data from Social Media Today Leveraging different social media platforms for various types of content is important to any business, but you don’t need an expensive analytics package to get started. By looking for patterns and trends in... Continue reading
We often hear from clients that they conduct market research work in-house, or are already using a research firm and therefore are not in need of our research services; it can be challenging to convince them otherwise. To most folks, brands and agencies alike, research is research. But we prove... Continue reading
Millennials – the generation of Americans in their post-college 20s and early 30s – have been widely recognized for their fluency in all things tech and digital, as well as their close ties to their parents. Yet what’s gone largely unnoticed proves to be this generation’s rising consumer strength –... Continue reading
Whether you’re sending an email to a client, crafting a product review, creating a report on new data, or writing a toast to give at your sister’s wedding, the voice of your writing jumps to the forefront. Imagine you stand up to give the toast, champagne in hand, and as... Continue reading
Recently, I’ve regaled my team with stories of my animosity towards the Nest thermostat, which my husband Ron completely adores. So much so that he’s installed one on both floors of our house and can’t wait to get his hands on the Nest’s latest product innovation of smoke detectors. The... Continue reading
Mobile How to Market Your Mobile App from Social Media Today As millions of apps are being created everyday, it is important to understand various strategies for getting people to download your app. This article talks about using blogs, or as they the author calls it “Social Blogging,” as a... Continue reading
This blog post represents the first in a series of posts from Stacy DeBroff’s recent visit to the 2014 International Home & Housewares Show in Chicago. From the latest gadgets to the rise of glorious color, Stacy captures the latest trends we’ll soon see emerging in our own homes. Trends... Continue reading
Today Mom Central Consulting – along with our partner, MilitaryOneClick, a premier online resource for active duty military, reservists, veterans, and their families – released a joint research study of more than 400 military family members that offers new insight on military families from a consumer perspective – including what... Continue reading
Last week, I listened in on a webinar hosted by the team running the Corporate Social Media Summit. The panel, Turning Social Data into Actionable Intelligence, caught my attention as the overwhelming mega social data piece seems removed from our daily social campaign work, and all that we hear about... Continue reading
This past weekend, the Austin ad community gathered for the ADDY Awards. In the evening program, GSD&M ran the following ad: Do you get the joke? Neither did we, at first. We needed our good friend Mary Dean at Kicking Niche to let us in on the secret: In case... Continue reading
Today, influencers continue to spark brand passion and loyalty. With social media fueling the Rise of the Informed Consumer and enabling Moms to tap easily into first-hand recommendations from trusted advisors, we see now the increasingly powerful role influencers have on retail lift. Continue reading
Between evolving platforms and the emergence of branded currency, the social media marketplace continues to unfold. As 2014 gets under way, Stacy DeBroff offers insights on 5 key social media trends making an impact on the consumer landscape. Continue reading
In today's rapidly changing marketplace, influencers continue to shape consumer behavior. From the Re-Emergence of Content as King to the Rise of Visual Influencers, take a look at 5 leading trends in influencer marketing that will come into play as we move further into 2014. Continue reading
In all the work we do with brands, no one’s bursting forth at the strategy table starry-eyed over a Google+ campaign. There’s still no one really home there- and in its blunt, aggressive moves to pass traffic through it’s door it’s become more of a train station with comings and goings – a way station to get to where you really want to be -- and not the family room hangout on which they’re pinned their stock growth aspirations. They'll just have to go over to hangout on Pinterest for that. Continue reading
In 2014, Google will create a juggernaut of relevancy. From the Hummingbird Algorithm to Google+ as the gateway for # searches & YouTube comments, Google makes a push toward relevancy in 2014. Continue reading
Visual Influencers capture everyday moments in imagery – even while on the go, as 66% of Moms access Pinterest on their Smartphones. Continue reading
(INFOGRAPHIC) More than 80% of Moms post images of their favorite products/brands on Instagram, and nearly 60% of Moms are more inclined to purchase a brand they’ve seen photos of on Instagram. Continue reading
Today, we increasingly see the emergence of digital storytellers, as 83% of influencers actively use Pinterest and 67% use the platform at least once per day. Continue reading
91% of Moms trust blogs as a source of product information. Blogs most influence Mom purchasing in two categories:Household items and Food & Beverage. Continue reading
Advertising Adweek's Top 5 Commercials of the Week - AdWeek Video advertisements can serve as a wonderful medium for sending a message if done correctly. Although it may seem to be an art form on the decline, there are some firms that manage to do it right. “Along with two... Continue reading
Nearly 70% of Moms say they are more likely to purchase a product if it’s recommended by someone they follow on social networking sites. Continue reading
Gone are the days when family holiday newsletters dominated the U.S. Postal Service. Family stories of achievement are now shared online. Today, 78% of Moms connect with friends and fmaily members during the holidays via Facebook. Continue reading
High-star ratings on e-commerce review sites like directly impact consumers' purchasing decisions. According to a recent survey, nearly 70% of Moms say they are more likely to purchase a product if it receives high-star reviews: Continue reading