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Angela Pritchett
Kansas City
Former caterer, baking-obsessed, and trying to share my mother's legacy
Interests: Baking, reading, classic movies especially musicals, walking, biking
Recent Activity
It’s easy to take for granted what great mothers we have and not realize what challenges other parents face all around the world. My mom raised me in two relatively small Kansas towns, pretty insulated from poverty, crime and life-threatening diseases. My daughter is having an even better childhood. She’s... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2011 at Mom's recipes
Fish chowder @ Recipes From My Mom Thanks for your comments and following my posts about mom's recipes. I've decided to move the blog to a dedicated Internet address - Recipes From My Mom. I will probably continue to post at both addresses for awhile before I close this one.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2011 at Mom's recipes
Angela Pritchett is now following Alisa Escanlar
Jan 12, 2011
There's no shortage of recipes for oatmeal raisin cookies and I can't honestly claim that my mom's recipe is the best. The main reasons that I love this recipe are because it only takes one cup of oatmeal and it satisfies my need for a good brown sugar-to-butter ratio. The... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2011 at Mom's recipes
Michelle - Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. It definitely reminded of something Ina might make for a weekend dinner. Hope you and enjoy it!
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2011 on Picante corn casserole at Mom's recipes
Dionne - it's a very adaptable recipe that you can use with lots of different kinds of slow-cooking meats. Cooking with wine is one of my favorites too. Every time I do, my daughter walks into the kitchen and asks "what smells so good?" Christiane - let me know if you try this with ribs. I bet it would be great. It's been fun to get to know your blog and you!
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2011 on Wine-braised brisket at Mom's recipes
Angela Pritchett is now following Angela Cohen
Jan 4, 2011
Whenever I needed inspiration for roasts or tenderloins, I knew mom would have some great ideas. She would rattle off a list of ingredients and describe a method that she liked. In addition to her own creativity, she was a cookbook fanatic. She would often exclaim,"Oh, I saw the most... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2011 at Mom's recipes
When I saw the title of your post, I had to click on it because I found a recipe with the same title on Kraft Foods but didn't get a chance to make it this holiday. It was baked in a Bundt pan though. Your photo certainly makes me want a slice of cake, or two!
Toggle Commented Jan 3, 2011 on Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake at i am baker
1 reply
Angela Pritchett added a favorite at i am baker
Jan 3, 2011
Angela Pritchett is now following Jenny Vergara
Jan 2, 2011
There are a few dishes in the stack of mom's recipes that I shuffle past because I haven't worked up the nerve to tackle them yet. I will make them, I promise. Well, maybe not her liver pate but I won't say never. This picante corn casserole does not intimidate... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2011 at Mom's recipes
Stephanie, I'm glad to know you like the recipe and the mini loaves are great for sharing, or freeze 'em and pull out just what you need. Without glaze, it's good too.
Toggle Commented Dec 31, 2010 on Mini pumpkin spice cakes at Mom's recipes
Thanks Dennis. Your comment means so much to me!
Toggle Commented Dec 31, 2010 on Kahlua chocolate pie at Mom's recipes
Angela Pritchett is now following Stephanie Hobson
Dec 31, 2010
Angela Pritchett is now following Kmhmartin
Dec 30, 2010
I don't think mom thought of recipes as easy or difficult. What really counted was how much impact the dish would make when she served it. Now in my opinion, her Kahlua pie makes a good impression but it also makes lots of dirty bowls! My nephew and daughter had... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2010 at Mom's recipes
These are a fun treat to share with a child because of the mini size. You're so sweet to read my posts! Thank you.
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2010 on Mini pumpkin spice cakes at Mom's recipes
Thanks for your kind comment and checking out my blog. I've been enjoying your blog and posts abour cooking with your daughter. Time well spent in the kitchen!
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2010 on Spinach stuffed chicken breasts at Mom's recipes
Angela Pritchett is now following
Dec 27, 2010
Angela Pritchett is now following Stash Avalanche
Dec 26, 2010
Angela Pritchett is now following Lisa Johnson
Dec 26, 2010
Angela Pritchett is now following A Beautiful Mess
Dec 26, 2010
Angela Pritchett is now following Pim
Dec 26, 2010
It was inevitable that one of mom's recipes would cause me to breakdown. Actually I thought it would be something she made that I used to request or a favorite holiday dish. So it was a surprise to find myself emotional over chicken breasts. The recipe's instruction threw me a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2010 at Mom's recipes