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Monica Majumdar
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Internet Marketing will enable ASOS with more effective ways of meeting the customer’s needs and satisfaction this is because all the sales will be made on the website and it will help the business to identify how much demand there is for the product in the market and it can also allow a business to see if the strategies that they are using is working and giving the results that they want. However there are many disadvantages of using Internet Marketing which could make it difficult for ASOS to attract customers for example making sure that the website is regularly... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2010 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Internet marketing provides businesses with several advantages however it has several benefits for customers which helps businesses to provide better customer service and also attracts more customers to shop online as it is more convenient and easier. Below is a list of advantages of internet marketing for customers. Cheaper and more flexible than offline advertising: Internet Marketing is cost effective as businesses will not have to worry about any travel, postage, printing or any other costs which makes it cheaper compared to traditional marketing. The advantage that this will provide to customers is that the businesses will have more money... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2010 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Internet Marketing has several advantages for both customers and businesses; however there are several disadvantages that the businesses are faced with which could have an impact on the way that the business operates and its customers. Below are examples of some of the challenges and disadvantages that businesses are faced with: Converting leads to sales: Although Internet Marketing enables businesses to check how many hits and visits they receive to the website, they are not able to monitor how many of these visits are sales. The online business will use different methods of advertisement to attract customers and lead to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2010 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Promotion is the way that a business promotes itself to make the customers aware about what products and services they are providing. There are many ways that internet marketing can be used to promote businesses these include the following: Domain Name: Businesses that operate from the internet have many benefits when their website address is easy and simple to remember. Some businesses also try to ensure that the address is catchy and unique and this will therefore be remembered by customers that shop from the business regularly and it can also be a name that it remembered by potential customers.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2010 at Monica Majumdar's blog
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Dec 14, 2009
Disintermediation is when the intermediates are removed from the distribution channel; a few examples of intermediates are agents, wholesales and retailers. Therefore in that distribution channel there are no intermediates and the products are provided from the manufacturer straight to the consumers, therefore businesses will be required to deal with each customer directly. An example would be is a farm as a manufacturer this is because the goods will be produced there and the customers will be able to visit the farm and collect the products from there or have it delivered to their house. ASOS also use disintermediation this... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Internet Marketing will enable the business with more effective targeting and segmentations this is because it will help the business to identify how much demand there is for the product in the market and it can also allow a business to see if the strategies that they are using is working and giving the results that they want. Also Internet Marketing can be easily measured, the business will be able to identify how much demand there is for the product in the market. This can be done by the business monitoring how many people are visiting the website and the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
There are many ways that Internet Marketing helps towards the achievement of business objectives. Firstly it allows a business to identify the needs and wants of customers which will then allow them to design their products that will fulfil the customer’s needs. By doing this it will allow the business to develop and improve the service that they are providing and this is good customer service which could allow the business to retain existing customers as well as attracting new customers. By doing this it will help generate an increase in sales and revenue which could be one of the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
There are several benefits that Internet Marketing has on a business. Firstly it allows a business to identify the needs and wants of customers which will then allow them to design their products that will fulfil the customers needs. Therefore it will have an impact on the businesses reputation and profitability. For example at ASOS they have a blog where customers are able to add comments into an open conversation about the products and promotions that are being provided at ASOS. Through this ASOS will be able to take suggestions from customers about the new products that they should invest... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Internet Marketing is when a business uses market research to help identify the needs and wants of their customers, which will gain the customers satisfaction and loyalty and this will therefore increase the business and profitability. It also ensures that the service or product provided suits the market. Internet Marketing will also allow the business to see how much demand there is for the products that they are selling and by looking at this factor it can help them identify any new product market they should enter. A business will also be able to see their strengthes and weaknesses and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Marketing mix is different factors that a business uses to help meet its marketing objective which will therefore allow the business to provide their product or service to the market. There are seven main factors which are known as the 7 P’s, these are product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Product:Products are the goods or service that the business is providing to attract their customers. Businesses will have to ensure that they can provide a wide choice to there customers. There are also other factors that the business will have to think about like branding, packaging, quality... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
ASOS use several methods of internet marketing to help promote the business and to attract a wide range of customers. Firstly at ASOS they have a banner which is located at the top of the website, this banner is constantly changing every few minutes, and it includes advertisements for other business which the customers can click on and will be taken to another website. It also has a link for the customers to check how many product they have in their basket and other information like help and contact. The banners are a method of promotion as they are making... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog is the UK’s leading online fashion and beauty store. They sell fashionable and the latest clothes. ASOS stands for as seen on screen and this is what attracts most of their customers. This is because the customers are able to wear products similar to what celebrities have worn but at affordable prices. main target audience are 16-34 year olds both women and men. was founded in June 2000 by Nick Robertson who is the great grandson of the founder of Austin Reed. is a very popular company with an estimate of 4.5 million visitors a month... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Internet marketing also known as e-marketing is advertising products or services through the internet. Online advertising has overtaken television expenditure for the first time because of the several advantages it has. Online spending has increased 4.6% to £1.752bn in the first half of 2009, while TV spending has decreased 16.1% to £1.639bn. The advantages are that it is cheaper than traditional marketing. Internet marketing can be easily measured and is quick and easy. The advertisement can be set up quickly and can be placed on the internet within hours, also if any changes need to be made it can be... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at Monica Majumdar's blog
Monica Majumdar is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 14, 2009