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Marketing Executive by day. Silly dad and super hero by night.
Interests: Saving kittens from trees. Leaping tall buildings. Making my wife happy and being a silly dad.
Recent Activity
Blogging Versus Other Social Media
The results are in from the quick poll of CMO’s and marketing executives regarding weather it would be a mistake to abandon blogging for other social media efforts. The overwhelming answer was – YES. Here are some direct quotes: As... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2012 at Marketing Digressions
People Do What You Inspect, Not What You Expect
This is one of the most important lessons I've learned the hard way over the years - "People do what you inspect, not what you expect."It doesn't matter if you hire people from MIT, Harvard, or an industry leader. Inspect... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 8, 2012 at Marketing Digressions
montysbox is now following Paul LaPorte
Feb 2, 2012
Five Rules For The New Marketing Manager
So you just got that promotion. You are no longer and individual contributor. Now you have a budget, people and more pressure to perform. So now what? I have seen many a new manager fail in my time - in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at Marketing Digressions
Five Things To Avoid When Developing A Brand Idea
A brand needs to be simple. But getting to the simple idea is the hardest part. Finding something obvious and making it evocative, compelling and relevant can be tricky. On the other hand, if you successfully complete that task, the... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2011 at Marketing Digressions
Study: What Recruiters Want Today In Executive Candidates
According to the findings of the 2010 Global Career Brainstorming Day run by Blue Steps, tomorrow’s top candidates for executive positions possess the following characteristics: high emotional IQ collaborative working style innovative thought process superb communication skills multicultural background and... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2011 at Marketing Digressions
The Future Is Demand Based Pricing - At Least For Cocktails
If you have been following the news lately in the world of media, pricing and marketing you are aware of Ticketmaster's new pricing strategy. In short, they will allow the prices of tickets for concerts to float up and down... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2011 at Marketing Digressions
Why Hackers Are Important To The Economy
“In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.” Hunter S. Thompson I chose this quote to lead off my thoughts on hackers for a very specific reason. Hackers, in most cases, are thieves. Yes, there are some... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2011 at Marketing Digressions
Agencies should embrace crowdsourcing
So the argument about crowdsourcing has been going on since 2009. Will it kill the agency? Back in 2009, the big worry was what would happen to the large full service brand and design agencies. Would they lose tons of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 21, 2011 at Marketing Digressions
New Guy. New Digressions. Same Blog.
So I am back from myself imposed sabbatical from blogging (not that anyone shed a tear or waited with baited breath). It was just something I had to do. Needed time to clear the mind, stand back from things and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at Marketing Digressions
I found this such a good refresher of the fundamentals that I put together a quick summary of the key take-aways on my blog:
Considering the video is long, some folks may not be able to view it all at one time or go back to it quickly for reference. Hope this helps.
One On One with Pierre Omidyar
My preview of Woz’s book, I, Woz, got me thinking about entrepreneurs who embody the “purity” of the process of creating great products. Another outstanding example of this is Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay. On September 5, 2000, I did a “fireside chat” with Pierre at a Garage event in Lo...
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