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Scott Monty
Recent Activity
Not entirely true, Joseph. The Wall is still readily available to anyone who'd like to see it. You just can't see the contest. Facebook Pages are built on the premise that the Wall is always public.
Hawking for Likes
Is it just me or does this feel too desperate? Kind of feels like the whole weblebrity craze on YouTube falling all over you for "subscribes"...which is fine for them, but pretty tacky for brands. I also have a strategic concern about the fact we're creating closed walls around our brands a...
John, nice list. But you're missing The Ford Story, which has been in place since December 2008.
Scott Monty
Global Digital Communications
Ford Motor Company
Corporate Blogs In The Fortune 500
This is a list of corporate blogs run by Fortune 500 companies. According to research, 88 (17.6%) of the Fortune 500 are blogging as of 01/04/2012. The table below lists any Fortune 500 companies with blogs, links to one or two blogs owned by the company, and a link to reviews of those blogs. I'...
Great reminder, Katie. But the real conundrum for corporations isn't the monitoring aspect; it's how can a company credibly change its own Wikipedia entry, without backlash from the Wikipedia community that values unbiased perspectives in its entries?
Or put another way, how can a corporation, which may have a better grasp of some of the facts, be respected and accepted in this environment? Having an agency change it for them is a slippery slope, and employee engagement is questionable based on Wikipedia's rules. There's certainly the fan base, but unless the fans are rabidly following the news, there may be some errors on the page that the company would find before the fan. I can't see companies issuing alerts or advisories to fans, asking them to help correct the entries on a regular basis.
Have you heard of a reasonable way to approach this?
Scott Monty
Global Digital Communications
Ford Motor Company
Wondering about Wikipedia? You Should Be
One of the annual highlights of the IPRRC is to find out what Marcia Watson DiStaso (Penn State) and Marcus Messner (Virginia Commonwealth University) have been up to lately. Back in 2006 they presented the first ever study of how Wikipedia impacts reputation and your public relations prog...
You ask what martial arts are doing in a Sherlock Holmes film; in fact, it's lifted from the original stories. Holmes knew baritsu (actually Bartitsu), a form of Japanese martial arts. See
In addition, Holmes was known to be an expert in single stick and boxing. Doyle himself wrote that.
Scott Monty, BSI
Member, the Baker Street Irregulars
Review: ''Sherlock Holmes''
Not even Sherlock Holmes could make much sense out of the overplotted, murky mess that is Sherlock Holmes, although Arthur Conan Doyle's legendarily brainy detective would probably never buy a ticket to a movie as elephant-footed as this one (a Hitchcock picture or maybe Chinatown would have...
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Dec 23, 2009
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