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Mother, crafter.
Interests: paper craft, good books, beautiful things, handmade lovelies
Recent Activity
At Phillip Island
We were happy to put up with a bit of rain and the fact that our little family was all tucked up inside the camper while it drizzled outside was cosy and fun. The hail and gale-force winds, however, were a bit much... The new camper was certainly put to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2014 at The sometime road trippers
The first trip with the camper - Phillip Island
So we'd bought this camper and, of course, were pretty keen to get out of town to put it to use... We decided on Phillip Island, which wasn't too far from home and heaps of stuff to do there which the kids would love. Unfortunately the minute we pulled out... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2014 at The sometime road trippers
The sometime road-tripper blog begins
I grew up bouncing around the back of a Landrover on dirt roads on family trips. I was in the back with the dog (because i was the youngest) while my siblings got the proper back seat and could see out the front windows. As much as i hated it... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2014 at The sometime road trippers
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