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Heeey, that first one is in a shopping center right close to me. They just put that sign up and all the neighborhood people are posting pics of it on FB...
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Re. ID for trans people- this is a good question, but transitioning is not a thing that happens overnight. There's usually a period where your appearance makes people kind of unsure which gender you are, and even once you've transitioned there's still some similarity of appearance, at least in my experience. Also part of transitioning publicly tends to involve going through a lot of paperwork that includes getting new ID for name/gender marker changes, which doesn't always happen all at once. /TLDR The odds of a trans person using an ID that looks not even remotely like the same person are pretty low. Also they're going to be very awkward and give excuses/explanations for that, not straight up tell you it's somebody else's ID. This lady was 100% trying to pull something.
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This thing seriously looks like a Tim Burton movie set...
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That... is a terrible policy, about the phone. If they had a landline it would be different, but they're basically set up so their employees could be robbed at gunpoint and have no means to call the police, especially if they did end up getting hurt in that situation. Obviously that woman needed some medical help of some kind, but not from you. I would've been terrified, too, because there is absolutely no telling how that could play out.
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Oh my gosh this sounds like prime material for a kid's book! Edie saves the day!
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Okay, clearly this sign points to the gas station in the next article...
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I have had good jobs and bad jobs, worked for tiny personal business owners and big chain corporations. My experience with that last is even from a keyholder/assistant manager position you're just a grunt with no hope of changing the grander scheme of things. If this horrific higher-up has been there a while, then the company either encourages people like them for whatever reason, or they don't care/have written off his style as acceptable even if it brings some disadvantages. It is possible they are aware of the drawbacks of their work, and therefore pawn them off where they feel those effects are an acceptable loss. In any case, the why of this person's continuing to be allowed to bully grunts and destroy morale is irrelevant. They are turning your workplace into a living hell, and there's nothing you can do to change that, so you need to ditch your company loyalty and look after yourself. You can do so with an apology and a friendly smile for any coworkers/lower manager you genuinely like, but you cannot STAY for their sake, because that's really not doing either of you any favors in the long run. Going back to school is a good dream, but if that's not a realistic option, then look for some kind of compromise, maybe another job with a more flexible schedule that allows some classes on the side. Or if you feel like the time is right, then do go for it and chase higher pursuits. Whatever you do, you need to escape what is clearly a toxic situation. I have fled toxic jobs before, sometimes with something else wisely lined up, other times without and I floundered for a new job for a while, but either way I found myself able to be a better, healthier person once I was free, and that had an effect on my partner as well. Even when I had to scramble for more work, she was grateful to see the stress lifted off both of us from the workplace that had been poisoning my life.
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Is it just me or does this whole picture have an 80's Bladerunner-esque kind of thing going on?
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I was going to protest that's not a D20... And then I saw all the other comments and remembered anew why I love this community. XD
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Kind of looks like somebody had fun with those designs, honestly. It's like they wanted to see just how bizarre a knockoff they could come up with.
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I work at a vet hospital, and we get some people who should not have pets, but I can only imagine the quality and quantity of loonies at a shelter is a hundred times worse.
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They *Have* to come in every day to have the worst, most terrible coffee that ruins their entire day, because they need *something* to be butthurt about!
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Repackaged or not, that is no teletubby, but it IS one of the more terrifying things I've ever seen...
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@BH -Sure, but if the customer explodes, guess who gets stuck cleaning up the mess!
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Really? We had those at work, and every last one was nasty. I know this because we got to the point where we watched to see which clients would dare to take the mystery wrapper ones. Every single client that got that kind would take it out of their mouth ten seconds later and ask me (receptionist) to throw it away for them. At one point there were a bunch of kids, and I figured if anybody would be okay with them, it would be kids. In under a minute they all gave me puppy-dog eyes and begged me to let them each take another one, outstretched hands holding the uneaten mystery pops. My boss doesn't buy the bags with that kind anymore.
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Nothing as spectacular as those, but I had a manager at a video store job who hired a good 5-7 people in a row who never even showed up for their first shift. I kind of delicately suggested we might want to re-evaluate the hiring requirements if we kept hiring people who never showed up. He just grumbled something about damn kids who didn't want to work. I left a month or so later, and he found out I was getting hired at the RadioShack across the street, so he went in and berated the manager there for stealing his best employee. Some managers are just special people.
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That... looks incredibly precarious. Cleverly well hidden, but could fall on the unsuspecting recipient's head while they're trying to get the door unlocked.
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I think they're so commonly used in kiddie-oriented illustrations, and have been for so long, that a lot of people just default to drawing them that way... Yeah, the real ones are poisonous, but they're brightly colored and appear in all the media other people have listed, that people don't even think of them as real.
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That's just cool on multiple levels!
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I see no reason to disagree with that statement, really...
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Indulge in a giant chocolate dong... maybe if Pepperidge Farms put subliminal dongs on their advertising...?
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Your coworker is an excellent artist!
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Jul 23, 2016