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oli mason
Twentysomething east end dwelling video maker storyteller come gaga enthusiast
Recent Activity
oli mason has shared their blog more oli mason
May 6, 2015
Oh. Wow. How did you make this? Do you have the design for it? I need to make a few ships for a costume (I'm going as the British Armada to a Tudor party). Any help or advice you can give me would be very gratefully received! Thanks, Oli
Toggle Commented Nov 1, 2012 on ships and hats part II at banquet
Hello Pen, What a great design - we love it. Thanks for your support of the Big Knit, we can't do it without people like you. Best, Oli from innocent
oli mason is now following Account Deleted
Aug 23, 2011
oli mason added a favorite at Style Cupid
May 10, 2011
oli mason is now following The Typepad Team
May 10, 2011