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Morgan Hill P.C.
Morgan Hill P.C. is a law firm based out of Olympia, WA. We offer many legal services including personal injury, auto accident, family law, criminal law, business law, mediation, estate planning and probate, bankruptcy, and general law. Our lawyers are experienced and hard working, as every attorney should be. Your legal problems are our problems, so give us a call! Formed in 1995 by Clint Morgan and Rob Hill, Morgan Hill, P.C. is one of the oldest law firms in the South Puget Sound with the original management team. Since that time, we have represented literally thousands of clients in the areas of family law, estate planning and probate, personal injury, criminal law, bankruptcy, and civil litigation. Our attorneys and paralegals have the knowledge and skills you need to help you with whatever legal issues confront you and to give you the peace of mind you deserve. If you're looking for an experienced, competent, and professional attorney to assess your legal needs, you've come to the right place. We will listen to you so we can fully understand your situation and objectives, and communicate clearly the options that are available to help you. As your attorneys, we then work with you to formulate and carry out an action plan to achieve your goals in the most painless and cost-effective way available.
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Jan 28, 2017
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