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Note the similar facial expressions. I, Charles Darwin, conclude that humans have evolved not from apes, but SMURFS!
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2010 on now it's just getting silly at WWdN: In Exile
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LAST TIME ON SMURF: Mr. Wil, overcome with glee, once again stepped over his teacherly boundaries. Smurf Directions won another trip to sectionals! With Smurfette smurfing for the Smufers, do they stand a chance? Will Vanity ever admit to himself what the rest of the Smurfs already know? Coach Gargamel takes over the forest, and tries to force Smurf Directions out. Find out what happens tonight, only on Smurf! This is way too long to be a caption. :/
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Morganista is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 3, 2010