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This what Pelosi says she knows about NEWT? 1999 CNN Report On Newt
MITTS LYING What really happened in NEWTS ethic case
Romney says Blind Trust Is Age Old Ruse say Opposite here
Listen to Santorum at the end of the Video Santorum makes the comparison of Romney care and Obamacare
Obama wins this argument if up against Romney !!!! For sure once he brings out the Fraud conviction on Romney over Medicare in the mid 1990s
Pam Bondi agrees with romneycare and is leading the lawsuit to the supreme court on Obamacare . Her argument is going to be reduced to a state versus federal act ,not if Government at any level of our nation is able to FORCE you to BUY a Product and this is a Usurping of Liberty under the US Constitution regardless of how the law is mandated .
I can not see how the Romney is not made to look like a Fool with this and Obama will use this Video .
Rush Limbaugh is right !!!!!! There is no difference other than the argument is between States Forcing you to Buy healthcare or Pay the Fine , or the Federal Government doing the same thing .
NBC: Mitt Romney, tear down this ad. Yet NBC keeps running it, getting paid
NBC doesn't like the fact that Mitt Romney's campaign is using some of its footage in the latest Newt Gingrich-basher. Will Romney pull it? From NBC: "The NBC Legal Department has written a letter to the campaign asking for the removal of all NBC News material from their campaign ads. Similar re...
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Jan 29, 2012
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