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the one and only bay area
some people think i'm funny, colin says, "please don't encourage her."
Interests: nothing and everything.
Recent Activity
1. playing on an album is not the same as being in the band, sorry. 2. underemployment has hit a new all time low/level of ludicrous, it's almost comical, I'm looking for work at Starbucks- if they'll have me. ugh. Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at please don't encourage her
I was the one in the leather jacket, with Chinese takeout, waiting at the crosswalk, ignoring the jackass in the Pontiac Grand Prix who was whistling at me. You were the jackass in the rusty/grey Pontiac Grand Prix, covered in Batman stickers, whistling at the girl who was ignoring your... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2010 at please don't encourage her
delicious bento box lunch from home complete with daisy shaped brown rice- the rice actually tastes better when it's in flower shapes, i'm not making this up, it's science, people! or my opinion. whatever. Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2010 at please don't encourage her
mose is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 14, 2010