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Voted Snazziest Dresser in Molvania
Recent Activity
motherbumper added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
May 5, 2010
motherbumper added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 30, 2010
OH OH OH, I remember when my brother brought home Tom Waits Hang On Saint Christopher. I was hooked too (how can one not be?)
Tom Waits Waltzing Matilda live 1977
motherbumper shared a video on YouTube
at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 15, 2010
Oh my, he's like a friend's little brother that I'd accidentally end up sleeping with after a night of drinking Colt 45 behind the 7Eleven. Not that that's ever happened or nothing. Well okay, just once but it's not a regular occurrence (anymore). OMG, what was I talking about? Oh right. Yup, he's hot in a friend's little brother who I'd accidentally sleep with kind of way.
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@BaltimoreGal Oh you are going to be so happy. He fights nekid for like, forever. Or at least it seems like forever when I rewind it repeatedly and make that scene last oh, about six hours. Gotta go!
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OH YESSSSSSSSSSSS mmmmm truthiness is sex-ay.
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Viggo has nerd cred up the ying yang. Dude speaks English, Danish, Spanish, Norwegian, French, Italian, Catalan and Swedish. That screams nerd in eight different languages. He also campaigned for Dennis Kucinich which appears nerdy to little ol' Canadian me. Viggo could read the dictionary on stage and I'd hang on every freakin' syllable. For the record, if you look up obsessed in the dictionary there's a picture of me holding a picture of Viggo. I'll stop now.
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Oh I would definitely do something with him between the stacks. Demonology wouldn't even cover it. Rawr.
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@Palinode Definitely the '70s Swiss athlete hair, ja?
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motherbumper is now following jess howard
Mar 12, 2010
motherbumper is now following AprylsAntics
Mar 12, 2010
motherbumper added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 12, 2010
Bad Moms Mourn Bad Actors: Cause of Death Released by Corey Haim's Family
A mom should never need to announce this kind of news but sadly they sometimes do. Corey Haim's mom Judy has confirmed the cause of her son's death after receiving the news from the LA County Coroner's Office. Corey Haim died of pulmonary congestion from an enlarged heart and water on the lungs. There has been no confirmation about what kind of drugs were in his system at the time of his death but his mom and manager say that he was only taking prescribed medications at the time. Corey Haim had a very public battle with drugs that resulted... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2010 at The Bad Moms Club
motherbumper added a favorite at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 2, 2010
motherbumper added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following temptingmama
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following Trilby
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following Lauren
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following Glennia
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following Agentninety9
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following Momo Fali
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following Laurie White
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following Fawn Amber
Mar 1, 2010
motherbumper is now following ahmielyn
Mar 1, 2010
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