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Mothershaffer is now following Kats Eye On Life
Feb 19, 2010
Nice list, Kat. I thought I had covered them all, but clearly there are many others that just weren't top of mind that day. I must admit, I am a frequent violator of #2--but don't hate me for having a mind weaker than yours!
Let's see your list Shelley..
10 things I strongly dislike about you
So I happened across a new blog Mother Shaffer's Blog and I laughed out loud at her list of "10 things I hate about you" - ways that people annoy her on a daily basis. So, instead of working on my paper about visionary leadership, I decided to take a break and post my own list here of "10 thing...
Mothershaffer is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 19, 2010
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