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I'm a lactation consultant, mother, and host of the Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog.
Recent Activity
Yes, they're showing up in OB and pediatric offices more and more! Seems like that'll be in the next step in the campaign.
All 49 Massachusetts hospitals are now "bag free"
The Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition has announced that, as of July 1st, 2012, all 49 of the state's hospitals have gone "bag free," making it the second and largest state to end their distribution in hospitals. The bags in question are the formula company promotional "gift bags" given to...
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for sharing this! I'm getting some nice stories by email.
If you can convince your friend to share her story I'd love to hear it! She can email me through the link above.
Have any of you tried to relactate? I'd like to hear your stories.
I'd like to do some writing about relactation in the near future, and I'm looking for mothers who can share their stories about it. Relactation is the process of resuming breastfeeding or breastmilk feeding after stopping. I'd love to hear from some moms who have attempted it - with any outcom...
Thanks so much for the link! Learned a lot reading that post.
But do breastfeeding or pumping fall under the definition or pregnancy under Title IX?
Student gets lower grade because of pumping, her complaint lead to new university policy
Here's a sad story with a happy ending. A Denver area student who was nursing her 8 month old baby was penalized after she took a break to pump during a four hour class. Her professor approved the breaks, but then lowered her participation grade. ABC News Denver reports: "I asked him 'Why is m...
The Freestyle is probably significantly lighter than the Hygeia pump, and less bulky.
Review: Hygeia EnJoye breast pump
I'm happy to share a review of the Hygeia EnJoye LBI breastpump today.* I was very interested in trying out this relatively new entry into the breastpump market. When I had my son I used the Medela Pump in Style at work. Since then I've used a Medela Symphony (hospital grade) and Harmony (ma...
You're welcome! Glad you enjoy it!
Concerned about toxins in your breastmilk? Check out my post at Best for Babes
If, like me, you're old enough to remember when Hope said, "I don't want dioxins in my breast milk!" on Thirtysomething (I know I just lost nearly all of you!), the issue of toxins in breastmilk isn't a new one. But there has been some media coverage of it again related to the release of the b...
And the winner is Susie Sawyer. Thanks to everyone who entered!
Book review and giveaway: This Milk Tastes Good! A breastfeeding nursery rhyme
When mom Chenniah Patrick was on maternity leave and nursing her baby, she wanted to communicate some things to her baby: breastfeeding is eating breastmilk is food that tastes good and is good for you "daddy's bottle milk" is mama's milk, too. So she wrote, and her husband V. Kuroji Patric...
I'm not aware of any research on that, *but I do worry* about the possibility of a baby choking or ingesting a ring if a mother is continually taking them out and putting them in in between feedings.
It seems to me that it would be possible for a mom in a sleep deprived state or during night feedings to forget and leave the piercing in. Remember that during feedings the nipple is placed very far back in the baby's mouth - almost at the throat - so it could happen quite quickly. It may not be likely, but it's still possible.
Do nipple piercings impact breastfeeding after all?
Whenever anyone asks me about nipple piercings affecting breastfeeding, I tell them that it doesn't - and that they should take the ring or post out before nursing! But a recent study has me re-thinking this a little bit. A study from Australia reported on: three which women were un...
From Jocelyn:
I don't support Romney politically, I do support choices for women. I educated myself (because as I suggest all mothers do) and know that breastfeeding is best. Whether or not there was formula in my care bag or not did not influence me in the least in my decision to nurse my babies. I am completely capable of making that choice for myself. I still respect mothers that formula feed, I respect their ability to make choices for themselves. There are some women who CHOOSE OR MUST formula feed- let's not demonize them or the formula companies for doing so.
Mitt Romney and breastfeeding
When I moved to Massachusetts in eight years ago Mitt Romney was governor. Around that that time the state's Department of Public Health was revising its hospital regulations for perinatal care. One of the proposed regulations would have eliminated the practice of formula marketing at hospitals...
Yes, sadly they're not made anymore! :(
Give away week: Honeysuckle nursing pillow
When I run breastfeeding groups and meet with moms individually, I bring along a Honeysuckle nursing pillow. Once they try it, moms inevitably ask me where they can get one. Now our town is full of moms toting green pillows! (For my friends who live locally, you can now buy them at Cradle!)...
I don't think so. Check out this video and the position of the baby's nose:
The baby's head is tilted to the side a bit and the nose looks like it's off the mother's breast.
DVD review: Biological Nurturing: Laid Back Breastfeeding for Mothers
Biological Nurturing (also known as laid-back breastfeeding) is the most revolutionary idea in breastfeeding to come along in quite a while. The concept, established by Dr. Suzanne Colson's in her pioneering research on neonatal reflexes and maternal instincts, boils down to this: When mothers...
I do think that the baby is usually laid on top of the mom's body, with pressure on the baby's front instead of the back.
Sounds like you found a great position that allowed you to rest and feed at the same time!
DVD review: Biological Nurturing: Laid Back Breastfeeding for Mothers
Biological Nurturing (also known as laid-back breastfeeding) is the most revolutionary idea in breastfeeding to come along in quite a while. The concept, established by Dr. Suzanne Colson's in her pioneering research on neonatal reflexes and maternal instincts, boils down to this: When mothers...
I'll bet she is!
My daughter has a habit of setting her baby dolls on the floor for "night night," carefully covering them with a blanket, and then sitting on them. Did I mention that we have backyard chickens?
I love it!
It's so funny: First it's "I need it, I need it!" and then it's, "What's that doing here?"
How I got my toddler to be more gentle with "the mi-mi's".
A few weeks ago my toddler daughter started pushing my breast away when she finshed one side, while saying "all done!" in a fussy, entitled kind of way. I didn't appreciate this, so I told her that we had to be gentle to the "mi-mi's." (You all understand what 'mi-mi's' are, I assume.) She took ...
Hi Lala,
I'm the author of the post and an IBCLC.
Can you tell me what you think is left out? I just checked the updated Medications and Mothers' Milk and it says the same thing.
It also adds - an addition since this post was written - that alcohol is a significant inhibitor of oxytocin.
Does beer really increase milk supply?
It's the day after St. Patrick's Day and it just occurred to me that it would be a great time to investigate the age-old advice to down a Guinness to increase milk production. Here's what Dr. Thomas Hale says in the must-have guide to medications and breastfeeding, Medications and Mothers' M...
These are some of my favorites from the last 18 or so months: Win, Win; Louder Than a Bomb; Bill Cunningham, New York; The Illusionist; The Trip, Another Earth; Farewell.
Breastfeeding quiz, Oscar edition
As I've mentioned before, I've seen nearly every independent movie released in the last year or so because my local movie theater has a Baby Friendly show twice a week (see my ticket stub collection). So since it's Oscar season I thought I'd quiz you on a few breastfeeding references in movies ...
Amy and Hannah,
Yes, depending upon the terms of her employment she might have the right to pump at work. But, and I'm not a lawyer so am just guessing here, she'd have to have her job back in order to be able to exercise that right, and under federal anti-discrimination law she legally be refused her job because she is breastfeeding, according to this ruling.
Jake Marcus at Sustainable Mothering is the expert, I'll defer to her comments!
Federal court: "The law does not punish lactation discrimination" in the workplace
A federal court in Texas has ruled against a mother who was fired from her job for attempting to pump at work, Courthouse News Service reports. The case involved a complaint filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against Houston Funding on behalf of Donnicia Venters, a mother who ...
Cute! I love the words they come up with!
I hadn't thought about this occurring in other animals. Yes, it kinda is a big deal if not treated early. I feel very lucky.
My first (and hopefully last) experience nursing in the ER
We had a bad scare last week. On Wednesday evening, my daughter, now 19 months, went from happily playing to doubling over and screaming in stomach pain every 10 to 20 minutes. At first I thought it was a stomach bug which has been going around. But a few hours into it, with no vomitting and ...
Okay, that is a really good question...
My first (and hopefully last) experience nursing in the ER
We had a bad scare last week. On Wednesday evening, my daughter, now 19 months, went from happily playing to doubling over and screaming in stomach pain every 10 to 20 minutes. At first I thought it was a stomach bug which has been going around. But a few hours into it, with no vomitting and ...
I don't think that you should take this as an indication that you're not going to be able to breastfeed!
I've worked with many, many moms who have nursed after having piercings and for them it has made no difference.
If you want to breastfeed, I'd instead take this as a message to get prepared. Take a class, read a good breastfeeding book, go to a support group before your baby comes, and most importantly find out where you'll turn for help if you have a problem. There's a lot of help out there in most communities, but you don't want to be hunting it down in the middle of the night!
So take heart and get prepared! :)
Do nipple piercings impact breastfeeding after all?
Whenever anyone asks me about nipple piercings affecting breastfeeding, I tell them that it doesn't - and that they should take the ring or post out before nursing! But a recent study has me re-thinking this a little bit. A study from Australia reported on: three which women were un...
And the winners are (sorry for the delay!):
Heather, Emily J, and Jennifer Ruby
Thanks to everyone who entered!
Giveaway: Breastfeeding car decal
A while back I reviewed Best Milk, a children's book written by Kate Carothers, a lactation consultant. Since then, Kate has revised her book and added a few more breastfeeding products to her mom-run business. One of them is this wonderful breastfeeding car decal - a stylized twist on the ico...
Thanks for the update! Just posted about it again today. And love the endorsement on Best for Babes from some great pediatricians.
Petition asks Sesame Street to bring back breastfeeding
Have you heard about the online petition to bring back breastfeeding on Sesame Street? The petition says: We are not asking Sesame Street to remove bottle feeding. We are asking that both ways of feeding babies be shown as normal. If we normalize breastfeeding in our community, especially wi...
Sorry for the delay - it's up now!
So glad you find the posts useful and are sharing them!
This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we recall some posts on race, ethnicity, and breastfeeding
I thought today might be a good day to compile a number of posts I've done which address issues of race and ethnicity and breastfeeding. First, I have a new post up at Best for Babes today entitled "Is there a 'soft bigotry of low expectations' when it comes to breastfeeding?" (link soon) whic...
Thank you so much for sharing this story!
Breastfeeding after breast cancer: One mother's story.
Breast cancer awareness month has come to a close. I'm sure that many of you know that breastfeeding can significantly reduce our risk of developing pre-menopausal breast cancer. Both my mother and aunt are breast cancer survivors, and this month I scheduled my first mammogram. But what about ...
I agree, Tina!
It wasn't until I traveled with the pump that I realized that the recording so easily goes off when the pump is in the bag, and that you can't turn it off! Perhaps they will change that in the next version.
Review: Hygeia EnJoye breast pump
I'm happy to share a review of the Hygeia EnJoye LBI breastpump today.* I was very interested in trying out this relatively new entry into the breastpump market. When I had my son I used the Medela Pump in Style at work. Since then I've used a Medela Symphony (hospital grade) and Harmony (ma...
Thanks, Sue!
2011 in breastfeeding research. And there was a lot of it!
There was a lot of breastfeeding research to report in 2011. My summary is below. You can see past annual research summaries for past here: 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 Studies on babies: Researchers in Denmark found an association between breastfeeding and lowered risk of epilepsy. The longer ba...
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