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Recent Activity
Hey Lakshmi.. Awesome!! You are giving me a serious complex.. BTW if you are one of those who likes to do a new theme every year, then please save this year's creation- I am more than happy to use them for my GOLLU next year (HEEHEE)
Last year, my big deadline ended the night before Navarathri began, and so I could not prepare much in advance. This year, I've been more lucky. The big deadline is over. The next one is not for another 20 days and so I can actually help my little one gear up for Navarathri. Thanks to two bags...
Mpdvb is now following LG
Sep 28, 2010
Hey Lakshmi,
Tracked you here (HEEHEE).. Lovely pictures! So nice to see your patti and appa after so many years!
A few pictures from our farmhouse, in a small village called "Rathnamangalam" about an hour's drive from downtown Chennai. I wish this house was closer to the city, I'd love to visit more often. If there are people seeking to invest in land in and around the Chennai area, I'd recommend this are...
Mpdvb is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 28, 2010
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